A long and varnished foredeck too!

I hope you will have read the excellent series of articles by Mike Dixon about his restoration of the Atalanta prototype – A1 Atalanta. There are more to come but in the mean-time Mike launched Atalanta this Summer. And boy has that all that blood, sweat and tears paid off.

Mike will be writing more about the launch but here are some highlights.

The plan was to launch A1 in the week before the East Coast Race and West Mersea Regatta. However teething troubles and the weather had different ideas. A false start saw A1 get wet and then return to the hard for some work to improve the seal on the keel mounting plates. These are unique to A1.

Atalanta was finally launched on the day of the Regatta, spending a couple of days in Brightlingsea for commissioning before heading for her new home at the Orwell Yacht Club. I had the privilege of being involved in the launch and trip North – Mike has done a great job and I look forward the season sailing with and hopefully, occasionally, on Atalanta.