Sitting proud (and high) on her trailer.  Beautiful from every angle.

A1 Atalanta has been tucked up in her workshop for the last 18 months after rescue from a garden in Essex. Mike (Dixon) has achieved an amazing amount of progress in that time, transforming her from the state indicated in this post.  There is still much to do but A1 is planning to be at Suffolk Yacht Harbour for the AOA60 celebrations and Mike needed to get her on the trailer, with the mast up, in order to organise new sails from Jimmy Lawrence. The sail-loft will not make from other’s measurements so Mike is trailing the part complete A1 and her complete mast to Brightlingsea for them to apply their tape measures.

This is first of a few posts showing the work done by Mike with the support of Peter Keightley and Nick Phillips over last weeked to get all this ready.

One thought on “A1 Atalanta Restoration – Sunlight for the first time in 18 months

  1. Are you going to paint it canary yellow?
    But really it is brilliant I am sure we will have a hard time catching up. Particularly if you see the beard Mary is growing..

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