1.8 Very curvy boat at AOA60 event, Levington (Photo Richard James)

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

Trailer, ex Kotora

After one or two false starts, I was in touch with fellow member Ian Pollard about a trailer. The upshot was that Sheila and I collected the trailer from Ian and had an interesting trip home. The rattling and banging from the twin axle trailer behind the car was alarming and I decided that the best bet was to take two of the wheels off and continue with the rig as a single axle trailer.

It was at this point that I noticed that one of the nearside trailer tyres had shredded and ran the risk of disintegrating with potentially unwanted consequences. We pulled into the next service area.

I changed out the shredded tyre, noticed a flat tyre on the other end of the same axle, so changed that as well, by which time there were no wheels left on the front axle. So off we went again, with two good tyres on a single axle. No further dramas I’m glad to report.

But the trailer needed much love and attention.

So I can report that we now have a sound sturdy boat trailer – fit for purpose. But I won’t be immersing it in salt water.

Various superfluous metalwork removed
Shot blasted, re-plated extensively underneath then painted
New tyres all round
Brakes completely overhauled with new operating cables
Brakes completely overhauled with new operating cables
New tow hitch
New jockey wheel
And, once the boat had been manoeuvred on to the trailer, new support chocks and pads

About Mike Dixon

Boat: A1 ** Interest: Editor 1999 - 2007 Owned Titania T4 "Gellie" 1990 - 2001 Owned Atalanta 31/4 "Gellie" 2002 - 2007 Now owns A1 "Atalanta" 2016 - ** Location: Market Harborough ** Country: GB

One thought on “A1 Restoration – Trailer

  1. Excellent work Mike. The trailer is as robust looking as Atalanta is curvy!

    I am fascinated by the supports on the trailer. Unusually for Atalanta trailers you have many keel supports and fore-and-aft bunk rails which support the hull lengthwise. All of the Atalanta trailers I have seen have three, occasionally four, athwartship supports only.
    I ‘stole’ some other images of the trailer last year which show how the supports in more detail.

    Please keep up the commentary on your efforts Mike. It is great to see work being done by others, and it acts to reinforce enthusiasm for my own job-list.


    Unusual trailer supports for A1 - they work very well

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