Mick Doyle kindly contacted us about A136 Amsara, which is in a boatyard in Portchester.

The current owner had started work on her. There is more to do, and apparently she will need a new engine.

If you are interested let me know and we can put you in touch with the owner.

2 thoughts on “A136 Amsara-Want to save her?

  1. Jason Romer has been in touch again. He needs to pass Amsara on as soon as possible.

    If he cannot someone to take her on he is considering scrapping her.

    Jason is happy to pass her on free of charge to someone willing to take her on.

    Contact me if you are interested


  2. Update – August 2016

    Jason Roamer who owne Amsara has been in touch and is keen to find a new owner for Amsara.

    The engine is a 1970s Coventry Victor.

    If you are interested please contact the me at the Webmaster address and I will pass on the details.



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