2016 A102 New Cover

As you will know from Nicks posts I have had a cover made for Mary.  As described by the Pisa Marina owner ‘she is beautiful’.

It fits remarkably well considering it was measured up on Helene.  But certainly does the job of covering up the boat.  I had been using a tarp for the last two years and after one year it had started to break down leaving a white powder over the boat.  It was also about a foot too short and an attempt to put it on at an angle.  Like a tall person trying to keep their feet warm under a quilt ;-).

There is a rope from the mast to the forestay supporting the cover from underneath.

I think I need flaps that cover up these bits.  Velcro pannels that just hold this gap close.  These should go front to back so they don’t open when being transported.

The boom is held up using the topping lift.  I hope that holds for now, in future I will make a strut that helps with this support.  The wind is minimised by the surrounding big boats.

4 thoughts on “Boat cover for Mary

  1. Alistair

    It looks great in place!  And much better without the pulpit in the way!



  2. Hi Paul, I will send Janet’s details privately. I will say no cover is cheap but I think it is worth it as it extends the paint life. If you are not ready to commit to a cover you can get a tarp. But these are cumbersome and only lasted 3 years (for me in med Sun) before covering the boat in a powder of decaying plastic. The purpose built cover is lighter and easier to handle.

  3. Hi

    I have just joined the group as I am in the midst of purchasing “Brother Jack (T4)” from Keith on the Isle Of Man. She is going to spend the winter on the harbour wall there and i would very much tike to wrap her up with one of these covers.

    Can I get the contact details for the dress maker?

    Many Thanks


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