
Atalanta A35
August 1957
- Other namesBarrel, Christian Mary
- ConditionPresumedLost
- LocationOld Submarine Port, Bordeaux, France
- Engine
- Rig
Comments: Moved to Belgium in 1959. Sold to be exhibited in Bordeaux nautical museum, based in the old U-Boat pens in 1992 (See video). It is not clear what happened when the museum closed in 1999 despite significant research.

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Bordeaux submarine pen article (A35)

Bordeaux submarine pen article (A35)

2024 January -Saw this article in atlantic magazine. June 2001 edition.Thank you very much to Mike for taking the trouble to post the article on the website. We are always excited to receive new information about any of the boats. There is a crude translation below (corrections gratefully received) and I throughly recommend viewing the video of ...

A35 features in Audio-Visual treat

A35 features in Audio-Visual treat

2020 April - Further to the investigations in what happened to A35 Scherzo after the Conservatoire International de la Plaisance  closed down in the 1990s we have continued to search periodically. I came across this video on Youtube. It is a light-show / series of video sequences shot in the submarine pens whilst the museum was ...

Contact from Norbert FRADIN in Bordeaux

2019 December - I have today received a reply from Norbert Fradin of the Musée Mer Marine at Bordeaux. He briefly states that he is, unfortunately not capable of giving us any information  concerning the boat in question ( A35 “Scherzo”). Mark Urry

Bernard Blavier

Bernard Blavier

2019 November - Bernard Blavier contacted the AOA in October 2019 to enquire of her whereabouts. (Connecting with ex-owners is one of the pleasures of the website). Bernard was the owner responsible for A35 being exhibited  in the Bordeaux Maritime Museum submarine pens in the 1990s. He has been unable to find out what happened when the museum shut ...

Memorable family sailing  on Holland waterways summer 1960

Memorable family sailing on Holland waterways summer 1960

2018 February - A memorable time for the family which we did not regret.The tide was running out fast in the Zandreek. so we went aground not exactly where we would have wished!. No problem with an Atalanta and we prepared to spend the night in our cosy arch until next high tide. What an intent moment when ...

1993 A35 Sold to Conservatoire de Plaisance in Bordeaux

1993 A35 Sold to Conservatoire de Plaisance in Bordeaux

1993 January - In 1993 A35 was bought to form part of a collection of over 70 boats in Bordeaux, based in the old submarine pens. Press release from the time:

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)
Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A351999UnknownBelieved to have been sold after the museum is closed
A351998Features in UK yachting magazine.
A351992Le Conservatoir International de la PlaisanceOld Submarine Port, Bordeaux, FranceBernard donates to the Bordeaux museum. Displayed inside the old submarine pens. 1992 Written communication with the museum swapped some details.
A351991Advertised for sale, 'in good condition'
A351987Sails in AOA Cherbourg Race
A3519821982 Sails via St Vaery Sur Somme to The Channell
A351979ScherzoBlavier, BernardR.Oise, Compiegne
A351971BarrelVan den Bloech, Isabelle
A351965Leroux, George
A351959Caisse, GBrussels
A351957Christian MaryLord StanleySailing

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
766Bulletin26,c. Boat Commentaries2018-1935Atalanta A35A35ScherzoRichard James120Link
1,371Video26, T,F,31c. Boat CommentariesVA035-1JEUX D EAU BASE SOUS MARINE - YouTubeA35Scherzo0Wonderful video of a music and light show set in the old submarine pens in Bordeaux which were formed into a nautical museum in the 1990s. A35 Scherzo was sold to the museum and features briefly starting at 8 minutes.00


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award