Emma Duck

Atalanta A179
May 1964
- Other names
- ConditionDestroyed
- LocationRye, Sussex
- EngineVolvo MD6B 10hp
- Rig3/4 Wood
Comments: Starts world cruise in 1978, halted in the Med. Holed when blown off blocks in 1990 and later sinks on mooring in Emsworth. Being restored

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A sad day for A179 Emma Duck

A sad day for A179 Emma Duck

2022 October - A small team visited Rye last week to rescue parts from A179 Emma Duck before she is destroyed. The Secretary and Committee have worked hard in recent years to support the owners of Emma Duck in restoring her to her former glory. Sadly this proved impossible and when two members of the Committee came ...

Atalanta 26: A179 Emma Duck  - SOLD

Atalanta 26: A179 Emma Duck – SOLD

2017 March - Emma Duck was excellently looked after for many years by AOA members, and she retains many original Atalanta features, with some later additions attributed to an extended stay in the Med. She is currently ashore in Chichester Harbour.Sound Interior with smart vinyl berth cushions, varnished table/chart table/coachroof, sink, cooker, water tank and sea toilet. She ...

Memories of my ownership of A179 Emma Duck in 1970s

Memories of my ownership of A179 Emma Duck in 1970s

2016 November - Memories of my ownership of A179 Emma Duck in 1970s. Photo: 7 – Julie & Steve in Emma Duck’s Tender 1972. My children in the Duckling Dinghy.

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1792022Rye, SussexDestroyedSeen in Martello Boatyard, Rye, uncovered and in a very sorry state. Owner's ill health had prevented restoration and boat no longer viable restoration. Boat donated to the AOA for parts to be salvaged for use on other restorations. The remains were burnt
A1792019Scoble-Hodgins, NickRestoringNew owner intends to restore in Emsworth.
A1792019Ennis & Tom Lawton, LouiseSeeking Trailer to support restoration.
A1792016Still for sale, under covers in yard Emsworth. (See Boats for Sale)
A1792009StoringSank at moorings, attributed to failure of rudder bridle allowing the rudder to drop on a falling tide. Recovered and stored.
A1792006EmsworthBoat offered for sale £8500
A1792000Lawton, Tom & LouiseWoodbridgeFor sale £8750. Bought by Hon.Sec
A1791999Cockpit was rebuilt in varnished ply, the varnished coachroof was epoxy-glassed, and the varnished forehatch was re-veneered. Aircraft ply was used to rebuild the aft deck.
A1791996Volvo MD6B 10hpNew engine, 12"x10" prop
A1791995Creates AOA flag design chosen by Members.
A1791990January, blows off blocks in yard resulting in two holes in the hull. Martin Bennet assisted the owner fitting new keel mechanisms, new keel bolts, new keel plates, all in stainless steel
A1791989Mitchell, MartinIpswich
A1791988Pin MillMartin and Janet Bennett assist the owner replacing much of the decking.
A1791987Upnor, River MedwayNew rigging fitted after the 1987 Hurricane.
A1791983Granger, SteveEast Coast, UK
A1791981Put up for sale £5500
A1791978Sets out on world cruise in January 1978, in very bad weather. January 1979 in Paris and then on to the Med and Malta. Cruise then stops and Emma Duck returns to the UK
A1791976Williamson, CaptRiver Trent, UK
A1791974May, GJSBristol
A1791971Mossman, HGDevon
A1791964Emma DuckDuckworth, Sir RKentSailing3/4 WoodFord 100E

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
325Bulletin26, T,F,31j. Interior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry1979-8025Extensive Cruising - Modifications for.A179Emma DuckWilliamson C.010Link
324Bulletin26, T,F,31k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry1979-8025Extensive Cruising - Modifications for.A179Emma DuckWilliamson C.010Link
555Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events2001-0213East Coast RallyA179Emma DuckLawton L310Link
564Bulletin26, T,F,31g. Hull and Decks2002-0313Dinghy repairA179Emma DuckLawton T110Link
808Bulletin26, T,F,31b. Class Reviews and Appreciations2022-2322Atalanta A179 Emma Duck - Retrospective on her deathA179Emma DuckRichard James2A look back at the life of A179 Emma Duck and the modifications owners made. Sadly she lay neglected in a boatyard for many years and was scrapped in 2022. Parts were salvaged and the hull was burnt on the November 5th bonfire in Rye.00Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
132Etchells2001T & L LawtonA179Emma DuckBest Log in the Bulletin
162Sinclair1995M MitchellA179Emma DuckServices to the AOA