Blue Goose

Atalanta A77
May 1958
- Other namesStormy, Atalanta III
- ConditionStoring
- LocationNew Hampshire, USA
- Engine
- Rig
Comments: A77 was a Fairey Marine demonstratoin boat. Alan Vines sailed her extensively and tested the masthead rig on her with great success in races including the Round the Island Race. She was then sold to the USA where she still is, undergoing a major restoration.

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A77 under sail

A77 under sail

2023 February - Photo of A77 Blue Goose sailing.

Mallette promoted anew to restoring and still married/spliced.

2023 February - Thanks for the resources over the years. Word to the wise: It would have been easier to buy one in better condition! Should you undertake a similar restoration be prepared for Christs of effort and gales of headwind from every quarter. Best to attempt it with a partner rather than solo.



2013 July - Replaced most of outer keel in A77, Blue Goose. It was necessary to plane off 10 to 12 mm to get to solid mahogany. I used resorcinol from Aerodux that CP Adhesives stocks, the glue is also available from Spectrum Adhesives

Keel bolt grease fittings

Keel bolt grease fittings

2013 July - Trevor mentions three types of grease fittings in the Repair Manual for the Keel Assembly and Mounting Structure published in 2010 with supplemental info. from Murray, Dominic, & John.  The attached photo is the type in Blue Goose A77, looks like

A77 Blue Goose Engine Replacement

A77 Blue Goose Engine Replacement

2012 September - A77 Blue Goose Engine Replacement. Photo: Raised Frame for Yanmar 2 cyl. Bridge Deck, Sort of.

Swing Keel Fittings

Swing Keel Fittings

2012 May - I may be one of the lucky ones, the pivot and brake bolts were replaced by Peter Lombard in the 1970s. Nylon bushings and grease fittings should make removal much easier. A driving head for bushing removal was found in the bilge.


A77 Blue Goose Engine Replacement

A77 Blue Goose Engine Replacement

2012 April - A77 Blue Goose Engine Replacement. Photo: Hole in the bottom!.

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A772023Owner engages with the Association via the website.
A772020Work continues. Much of the hull under engine bay requires replacement.
A772015Mallette, TimNew Hampshire, USARestoring
A771996Peter owns A85 too
A771993Ken Textor updates owners address.
A771985The name is formed from those of Major Vennings daughters. Valerie and Clare.MainePeter was former owner of A34 Grashopper and was Gretchen's father.
A771974Blue GooseOgden, Michael & Lorraine, Marc
A771967Trailed to Lake Champlain and visits 1967 Montreal Expo
A771965StormyLombard, PeterPeter based in Concord, Mass and then Shirley Mass.
A771960Blue GooseSwaneyUSA
A771958Atalanta IIIFairey MarineSailingDemonstration Boat. Used by Alan Vines to test masthead rig with great success.

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
106Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1959-600Cover - A77 Blue Goose under sail downwindA77Blue Goose110Link
114Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1960-610Cover - A77 Blue Goose under sail to windwardA77Blue Goose110Link
160Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1965-6612First season in New EnglandA77Blue GooseLombard P.120Link
1,325Press26,b. Class Reviews and Appreciations1994-02-OMA boat that came from the sky: AtalantaA77, A85, A146, A115Ken Textor0Offshore Magazine (USA). A number of photos and mentions of A26s in the USA. Inc A77 Blue Goose & A85 Kicky-Wicky., A146 Le Bateau Ivre, A Tala, A Gypsy, A115 Sabrina of Croyle.00Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award