
Atalanta A86
June 1958
- Other namesVendaval, Robbie
- ConditionStoring
- LocationWhittington, Staffordshire
- EngineCov.Victor 16hp MW4
- RigMasthead, Wood
Comments: Once featured a ‘Teenage Ninja Turtle’ paint job. Once towed to the South of France behind a Volvo 740..

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A86 Sassi - On the hard....refitting....Surrey

A86 Sassi – On the hard….refitting….Surrey

2018 July - Photos covering the refit in 1990 and subsequent sailing across to Cherbourg on her first cruise. She was still powered by her Coventry Victor engine at this point. Subsequent photos cover her journey to Gruissan in the Gulf of Lyons around 1994, and on the hard there for repainting around 1995. Maurice Killen was her ...

Raising A86 off her trailer after repositioning in the barn

Raising A86 off her trailer after repositioning in the barn

2018 March - Today, the 5th March 2018, A86 was moved on her trailer and repositioned in the barn so that all round access was possible. Many thanks to Mike Dixon for coming to the aid with his 4×4 and manoeuvring the trailer. After this, Mike organised the lift off evolution, using four beer kegs and much timber of ...

A86 in storage

A86 in storage

2017 July - A86 in storage. Photo: A86 in storage.

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A862023Sassi confirmed safe.
A862020StoringWork continues
A862017Moved to new barn nearer owner for restoration to continue
A861997Marshall, BernardWhittington, Staffordshire
A861995Towed to S.France with Volvo 740(!), sails in the Med
A861991SassiSailingLetter to Association about the name change and 1176 hours of rebuild above and bloe decks using Fastnet report & YM Offshore Yacht series as 'Standard to be achieved'.
A861989Killen, MauriceRestoring
A861972VendavalExact date of name change unknown
A861970Woodrow, DAWells-next-the-SeaApproximate date.
A861966Davies, FAExact date bought unknown.
A861962Gould, MWSalcombe
A861958RobbieMitchell, WBItchenorSailingMasthead, WoodCov.Victor 16hp MW4

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
241Sinclair2020Bernard MarshallA86SassiFor the excellent 62nd Annual Bulletin