Le Bateau Ivre

Atalanta A146
August 1961
- Other namesBluff, Sherpa
- ConditionStoring
- LocationSt. Croix, US Virgin Islands
- Engine
- Rig3/4 Rig
Comments: Extensive cross-channel cruising in the 1980's before being sailed in the Round Britain race, then sailed across the Atlantic. Based in America since. Current owners honeymooned on her and have fitted twin rudders and a bowsprit.

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2013 A146 Le Bateau Ivre moves to new home

2013 A146 Le Bateau Ivre moves to new home

2013 July - 2013 A146 Le Bateau Ivre moves to new home. Photo: 100_2188. Parked on road just past driveway. Realized that there were sections of the drive

Chance Meeting

2011 May - Peter Keightley writes to say that: ” I had an extraordinary coincidental meeting with a skipper in Cowes Yacht Haven last week.His boat was a van de Stadt called Sherpa Bill. After a coffee and chat I discovered he had just purchased it an

A146 Bluff OSTAR 1976

A146 Bluff OSTAR 1976

1976 June - (Map courtesy of Brian Sadler) A146, already very well travelled, changed hands and went across the Atlantic No history of racing by Atalantas would be complete without mention of Rod White who sailed A146, Bluff, in the 1976 Observer Single Handed Transatlantic Race starting from Plymouth on June 7. On day 5, when the wind was ...

A146 Sherpa Round Britain Race 1974

A146 Sherpa Round Britain Race 1974

1974 June - Immediately after sailing in the Round the Island Race on June 29 in which he came second in the Atalanta Class, Alan Perkes in A148, Sherpa, set out for the Round Britain Race which started from Plymouth on July 6. The event attracted a vast and varied fleet with multi-hulls as well as mono ...

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)
Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1462020Owners in contact with Association and restoration still on hold.
A1462018Restoration still planned
A1462013St. Croix, US Virgin IslandsStoringRestoration has been stalled for many years. Owner moves and takes Le Bateau Ivre on an impressive journey. See photographs.
A1461997RestoringOwner embarks on extensive refurbishment.
A1461996Extended cruise and Honeymoon!
A1461993Twin rudders, outboard and retractable bowsprit fitted.
A1461991Broken mast replaced with new mast in Sitka Spruce
A1461990Bristol Harbour, RISailing
A1461984Le Bateau IvreWalworth, Michelle & DavidRestoringDavid is student in Annapolis MD and sets about restoring her. The new name was inspired by the poem writtent by Jean Rembaud in 1871 which is said to have started the Symbolist or decadent period in French Literature.
A1461982Mitchell, Bill
A1461981Coile, JAnnapolis, USAEventually sold to Jonathan Coile, son of AOA American secretary Russell Coile (A101).
A1461978Whilst in New Zealand on Flyer he meets up with A123 Coromanda and her owners.
A1461977Rod continues to sail the world with the boat in USA. Boat looked after by Bob Snow (A23)
A1461976Rod sails singlehanded to the US despite breaking rudder in the Bay of Biscay. Left her with Atalanta American section intending to sailing or shipping her home but got distracted by crewing in round the world races. He crewed on 'Flyer'.
A1461975.9BluffWhite, RodPreparation for trans atlantic including removal of engine and lavatory.
A1461975Takes part in the two handed Round Britain race. Fishing boat breaks mast in Orkney, repairs and carries on. Bill writes about his time with Bluff in his sailing memoirs - see 'Reference - Books'.
A1461974Bill Perkes sails many hundreds of miles preparing for the Round Britain race
A1461968Perkes, BillFairey Marine, Hamble
A1461965Collins, MK
A1461964Morquand, WT
A1461961SherpaShort, JHHambleSailing3/4 Rig

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
207Bulletin26, T,F,h. Rudder & Self Steering1969-707With one hand tied behind my backA146Le Bateau IvrePerkes A.G.1self steering gear10Link
243Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1972-732Wet & WindyA146SherpaPerkes A.G.120Link
242Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1972-730Cover - A146 Sherpa at St Vaast La HougeA146Sherpa110Link
259Bulletin26, T,F,31l. History1974-757The Round Britain RaceA146SherpaPerke A.G.120Link
258Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1974-757The Round Britain RaceA146SherpaPerke A.G.120Link
256Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1974-750Cover - A146 Sherpa rounding Muckle Flugga, ShetlandsA146SherpaPerkes, A.G.110Link
267Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1975-766The Summer of '75A146SherpaPerkes H.M.120Link
278Bulletin26, T,F,31l. History1976-772Observer Single-handed Transatlantic Race 1976A146BluffWhite R.M.120Link
277Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1976-772Observer Single-handed Transatlantic Race 1976A146BluffWhite R.M.120Link
276Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1976-770Cover - A146 Sarts and finishes Transatlantic race (+others)A146BluffWhite, R.M.110Link
316Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1979-8012The Eastern Seaboard of AmericaA146BluffWhite R.110Link
443Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1990-9130Cruising from Rhode Island, USA.A146Le Bateau IvreWalworth D220Link
453Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1991-9221Letter from AmericaA146Le Bateau IvreWalworth D230Link
462Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1992-9313Cruising to Connecticut, USA.A146Le Bateau IvreWalworth D420Link
1,325Press26,b. Class Reviews and Appreciations1994-02-OMA boat that came from the sky: AtalantaA77, A85, A146, A115Ken Textor0Offshore Magazine (USA). A number of photos and mentions of A26s in the USA. Inc A77 Blue Goose & A85 Kicky-Wicky., A146 Le Bateau Ivre, A Tala, A Gypsy, A115 Sabrina of Croyle.00Link
61Book26, T,F,31o. GeneralIWMH-PerkesIn the Wake of my Heroes [Private, via simonfi@ntlworld.com Jan 2007]A146SherpaBill King0Bill King sailed from The Solent. Chapters 3&4 are dedicated to his exploits in A146 Sherpa. There was a lot of family sailing and much more short-handed long distance cruising and then the Round Britain Race in 1973. His idea of a weekend's sailing was to sail to North Brittany on the Saturday, turn around and sail back on the Sunday. The book describes all of these adventures with a lot of detail on the Round Britain race and how he made his own self-steering gear.00Link
46AOAPaper26, T,F,31d. EnginesPTwin rudders, Outboard Engine Mount and BowspritA146SherpaWalworth D000Link
47AOAPaper26, T,F,31e. Rig, Sails and TuningPTwin rudders, Engine Mount and Bowsprit for the SpinnakerA146SherpaWalworth D000Link
48AOAPaper26, T,F,31h. Rudder & Self SteeringPTwin rudders, Engine Mount and BowspritA146SherpaWalworth D000Link
21Advert26, T,F,31a. Brochures & AdvertsPR-1960-BoatparkPR 1960 Fairey Boat Park - incl A146 Sherpa A181 Cirdan A174 CordylA146,A181,A174000Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
103Etchells1974AG PerkesA146SherpaBest Log in the Bulletin
105Etchells1976R WhiteA146BluffBest Log in the Bulletin
154Sinclair1987David WalworthA146Le Bateau Ivre (ex Bluff)Services to the AOA