
Atalanta A166
June 1962
- Other names
- ConditionDestroyed
- LocationPortland, Dorset
- EngineAir cooled diesel
- Rig3/4 Rig
Comments: Built as stock boat. Twin rudders fitted in 2001, removed in 2004. Restorations in 2000s.

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Contributed Blog

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A passenger ride in an Atalanta aged 9 started me sailing

2021 April - I was spring cleaning A89 Colchide yesterday, when I was approached by a gentleman. “Is that an Atalanta” “Oh, I had a passenger ride in an Atalanta, aged 9, in the early 1960s, in the River Blackwater and that started my interest in sailing.” “Do you remember the boat name or number or the owners name?” “I think the ...

A166 Hullabaloo For Sale - £400 in boatyard on Portland

A166 Hullabaloo For Sale – £400 in boatyard on Portland

2020 November -Through a series of unfortunate experiences A166 is in need of a new home. She is in Clark’s Boatyard on Portland. Contact Tim or Denise at 01305 860265.Although originally covered these were damaged at the start of 2020. A Member of the AOA has inspected the boat a few months ago and deems her ...

Hullabaloo for sale SOLD

Hullabaloo for sale SOLD

2017 May - Reluctantly the owner of Hullabaloo has decided to sell as he is no longer able to use and maintain Hullabaloo. Basically in very sound condition Hullabaloo is offered for sale on eBay.

A166 Hullabaloo for sale on eBay

A166 Hullabaloo for sale on eBay

2016 October - Here is the URL NB

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1662023DestroyedBoatyard destroy Hullabaloo
A1662022Boat remains at Clarks boatyard despite efforts to sell. Boat considered beyond saving.
A1662020DerelictBoat uncovered and deteriorating
A1662020Clarks BoatyardBoat not owned by Clarks Boatyard in Portland and up for sale £400. No trailer and completeness unknown.
A1662017Palmer, JustinPortland, DorsetBought on ebay for £161. Justin still hasn't contacted the AOA. 07725 630984.
A1662016StoringFor sale on ebay October - unknown result
A1662007Significant deck restorations by Ian and Andy Greatrix (A71)
A1662004Baird, IanCastle CoveRemoves twin rudders and replaces with standard. Keelbox repairs.
A1662003For Sale
A1662002Launched! Slight damage from dinghy when grounding on Buxey sands.
A1662001Air cooled dieselTwin rudders added, fitting air cooled diesel. Hoping to sail this year
A1661997Mead, RobertKentRestoringFronts of keel boxes and cockpit rotten, skeg bracket needs replacing
A1661996Boat advertised for sale
A1661993Adding seagull outboard and considering adding access hatch in stern cabin
A1661987Duncan, R& PNorthumberland
A1661985Owner dies and boat for sale £4000
A1661981The owner continues to sail the boat singlehanded well into his 80's
A1661965Payne, JSBlackwater SC, Heybridge
A1661962HullabalooJones, DHambleSailing3/4 RigCov Vic 16hpStock boat

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
162Bulletin26, T,j. Interior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry1965-6613Alterations to an AtalantaA166HullabalooPayne E.A.120Link
161Bulletin26, T,k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry1965-6613Alterations to an AtalantaA166HullabalooPayne E.A.120Link
201Bulletin26, T,k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry1968-6914Alterations of Atalanta HullabalooA166HullabalooPayne E.A.120Link
196Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1968-695Blackwater to Christchurch Cruise in HullabalooA166HullabalooPayne E.A.320Link
266Bulletin26, T,F,31j. Interior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry1975-765Modifications and ImprovementsA166HullabalooMA Payne,220Link
286Bulletin26, T,F,31i. Trailers and Trailing1976-7722Trailer Maintenance.A166Hullabaloo020Link
313Bulletin26, T,h. Rudder & Self Steering1979-808Rudder Tackle HintsA166HullabalooPayne E.110Link
317Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events1979-8014East Coast RallyA166HullabalooPayne E.110Link
355Bulletin26, T,h. Rudder & Self Steering1981-8225Rudder NoteA166HullabalooPayne E.A.110Link
369Bulletin26, T,d. Engines1983-844Rich Running of Cov-Vic 16 HpA166HullabalooPayne E.010Link
483Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1994-956Boat names and a Northumbrian poemA166HullabalooDuncan R220Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award