2017 A60 Achates cruises in Croatia

Its a pretty well worn path for Titania / Atalanta owners but its certainly a big adventure for us, family crew of five, including George 6, below, Jemima 10 and Freddie 9.  With lots of great advice  from Trevor, we trailed and launched off in San Giorgio di Nogaro in northern Italy and are now in Pula, with amazing amphitheatre, and on to the first islands south tomorrow.  We got caught out in a nasty squall with gusts of late 30 knts but, although white knuckle, Achates looked after us well and amazingly everyone still likes sailing.  The marinas were all so full after that that we had no option but to take a berth in what we discovered was a naturist marina, Valalta, with strict rules about clothing or lack of it.  Quite an eye opener and education for us all!

2 thoughts on “Italian/Croatian adventure

  1. Jonathan

    What a fantastic adventure for you all. And Achates looks stunning – all credit to you. 
    Keep the photos and news coming!



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