A169 Aft Cabin Starboard repairs

Trying to complete as much of the epoxy /veneer repair work before the colder weather arrives. Added below some pic’s of the  the aft cabin repairs to the extensive dry rot. The rotten frame abaft the new aft bulkhead – shown in the previous blog – is replaced with a sawn mahogany section either side of the keelson flush shaped to the bilge and butt joined to the sound original frame section (above the w/l). The rot at the turn of the bilge (starboard) has new laminated agba veneer sections applied externally and internally. The shelf and intermediate stringers have had (hardwood) sections scarfed – all glued in with epoxy and West Filleting Blend Filler 405A.



Will update as and when, but further photo’s will be added to my album in the photo section..