So it with great pleasure that I have taken on an Atalanta Titania (T4). I am still looking into the history of her and previous owners and names (Gellie,Katya and currently Brother Jack). It is with great thanks to a fellow club member that she is still in sea worthy condition. Keith spent about 4 years getting her up together after she spent much time sitting on the harbour wall in Castletown Harbour IOM. So with much reluctance Keith has passed ownership to myself. He has been a great help with organising the winter storage for her.
We (yes the wife is keen as well) look forward to continue the work that Keith has started and hopefully many years sailing in her. We plan to eventually moor her at the top of Portsmouth harbour after a good sail back from the IOM planned for next year.
Thanks for the pictures David
Mike I am sure I will have 1 million and 1 questions at some point! I will be sure to float them across.
I will try and get to you Stephen and George so I can get a view of a slightly different configured Titania.
Nice!. I have some pictures from 2010 when we were visiting my sister in Anglesey (she and her husband were over for a 6 month long sabbatical). Michelle and I went to the IOM for a few days and it just happened to be the weekend of the Classic Boat Festival in Peel. We took some pictures of Brother Jack and Mourne Goblin. In the strait between Anglesey and the mainland of Wales there is an Atalanta 31 with fixed keels it looks like.
Hello Paul – great boat! I owned her for over 10 years (as “Gellie”). Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you think I can be of help – contact details in the yearbook.
Mike (recently taken on A1)
Great pictures and I also look forwards to updates on progress.
T12, based at Plymouth, is not far away if you have any questions.
Excellent, look forward to your updates on progress.
Murray A87
You can ask Nick Phillips A124 for a copy of T4’s page giving all details of her history and good luck with storage. Colin A95