Turtle on the slow road to recovery in Cornwall

Our Secretary Richard has been on his travels, sailing tupperware yachts and popping in on unsuspecting Atalanta Owners.
Richard visited Chris Berry in Truro. Chris has taken on A117 Turtle – Turtle had been languishing in a barn for many years. Chris is well on with the often disheartening process of stripping back and seeing what you have to. The great thing is that in most cases the repairs are relatively simple even if they take a long time.

Chris, and others who are taking on similar projects, would appreciate encouragement, support and advice from anyone with experience of similar restorations. Why not post on her about yours. Chris has already made contact with Mike Dixon who is rebuilding A1 Atalanta from an even sorrier state.

In the meantime here are some photographs of Turtle.

2 thoughts on “A117 Turtle May 2018 – progress in Cornwall

  1. I have just taken a look at the pictures of Turtle , what an undertaking , I can only take my hat off to Chris and what he has taken on . All the best of luck ,
    Atalantas are incredable boats , not only do they look unique but they sail very well too . It would be great to think that in 60 years from now there will be some Atalantas still afloat,
    and why not .
    Keep up the good work

  2. Bah gum Chris……. that’s a project and a half. Wish you every success.

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