Storm Jorge didn’t manage to keep 22 of us from The Tamesis Sailing club, even passing through quickly so that we could bask in the sunshine during the AGM and lunch. The Thames flowed fast (within the banks, thankfully) as did the tea! It was great to see everyone and the conversations ranged widely on Atalantas and more. As well as current Atalanta owners it was great to catch up again with Alistair Currey and Sue Harris. It was their fathers, Charles Currey and Alan Vines, to whom we owe the existence of our excellent boats.
As ever, when two or more Atalanta owners gather together, keels were on the agenda. Martin Bennet had bought advice and examples on bolt replacement, fitting and longevity (see this post) and Derrick Ardron bought a badly corroded keel stop with tales of his inventive technique for removal (we hope to read about this in the near future).
The AGM passed efficiently allowing us to focus on the lunch and the natter. The draft minutes will be provided in the Spring Newsletter for AOA members. Key matters discussed were:
- Finances – the Association continues to operate within its means, with some significant cost savings realised in 2019
- Election of officers and committee – the existing Officers and Committee were all elected to continue in their roles. In additional a new Bulletin Editor and a new Committee Member were voted in.
- This year’s events:
- Wild on Windermere – social gathering for members and non-members alike
- East Coast Cruise in Company including at least two opportunities for anyone to join us ashore for an evening meal
- East Coast Race at West Mersea Regatta
- Southampton Boatshow Exhibition – volunteers wanted to promote the boats and Association
- Scottish social event in 2021 under discussion
- 2022 Celebration of Uffa Fox in 50th year since his death
After lunch the Commodore awarded this years trophies:
Etchells trophy (best log in the Bulletin) – Greg Manning with A142 Sugar Plum
Sinclair trophy (services to the AOA) – Janet Bennett
Odling trophy (best technical article) – Chris Green with A169 Elle
John Searle (major boat restorations) – Mike Dixon for A1 Atalanta
Who was there?

Vice Commodore Jane awards Mike with his award for the restoration of A1 Greg receives the Etchells award from the Commodore for his article in the Bulletin The ‘serious’ part of proceedings The Commodore awards the ‘Sinclair Trophy’ to Janet for her years of support to the AOA as Auditor.
Thanks for organising the AGM.
It was a good afternoon and useful for a boost of new knowledge about our boats, the technical discussions are certainly technical!