Despite the gradual easing of lockdown restrictions in the UK (and specifically in England), planned events for the Association have taken a significant hit.  We got away with holding the AGM in February, but since then no planned activities have taken place.  Thanks to the hard work of the Webmaster, members were able to enjoy a memorable ‘virtual’ get-together for the Wild on Windermere event.

We have just had confirmed that the annual West Mersea Regatta has been cancelled, so once again there will be no East Coast race for us this August.

However, the planned Cruise in Company, that was scheduled to conclude at West Mersea, is still hopeful.  It’s still over two months away and provided the current ‘stay-in-your-own-home-overnight’ rule is relaxed, there is no reason why sailing cannot resume.  It may even be possible to include the East Coast Race at some point during the Cruise in Company.

The other event is the Association’s presence at the Southampton Boat Show in September.  The show’s organisers are due to make a decision as to whether it will go ahead in July.

In summary. whilst there is a slow and gradual relaxation of the lockdown, we still have some way to go before we can enjoy unfettered access to the water.

I am hopeful that we can salvage something from the situation; just what that something will be, we’ll have to be patient.

Very best wishes,

Mike (Dixon)


    About Mike Dixon

    Boat: A1 ** Interest: Editor 1999 - 2007 Owned Titania T4 "Gellie" 1990 - 2001 Owned Atalanta 31/4 "Gellie" 2002 - 2007 Now owns A1 "Atalanta" 2016 - ** Location: Market Harborough ** Country: GB

    One thought on “Update on UK Covid Lockdown and relevance to the Association

    1. Further updates 5th July 2020 – specific to England – please check elsewhere for lockdown easings.

      Last night we became aware that this years Southampton International Boat Show (SIBS) has been cancelled. As you know, the AOA had been given a free display slot afloat at the show, and A1 was going to be ‘shown’. Whilst it still has to be confirmed, we are expecting the invitation to be carried over to next year – 2021.

      Whilst the SIBS will not be goung ahead, the planned East Coast Cruise in Company will be taking place, allbeit on a socially distanced scale. Nick Phillips, the organiser, will be posting about the event soon.

      Strange times; please do stay safe.


      Mike (Commodore)

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