A16 Dervorguilla gets a makeover at Pin Mill. A Mark 1 Atalanta Devorguilla is still in remarkable condition despite her age.
There are quite a few interesting differences:
- The aft-cabin is longer, the cockpit shorter and the galley is about half the length
- The rudder design is different
- The hull shape at the stern looks to have a sharper turn on the bilge.
- The blister is shorter and with only two windows.
Devorguilla was built to Lloyds 100A1 at Woolverstone. The Dinky stowage with raised main horse are original.
The refit is concentraing on epoxy for the bottom, including the keelboat joins.
Looking forward to seeing her sailing in 2017.
‘Click’ on a photo for a slideshow.
- The portholes in the stern and Dinky on the stern are very distinctive. (Nice shed too!)
- The Mark 1 Atalanta has many differences to the later models. A16 has even more peculiarities as she was built at Wollverstone to Lloyds 100A1
- Note the rudder wires one over the other.
- Great detailing on the main horse.
- The rudder is q very different shape to later boats.
- The cockpit and aft cabins are much longer than later boats, and the blister consequently shorter. Blister coated in glass cloth and epoch in the 1980s and still going strong.
- Aft-cabin is longer than later boats. The Dinky fits easily on the stern deck.
- Look at how short the galley / nav areas are.
- More port lights give light in the stern cabin.
- Very short galley area.
- The ferryman diesel was chosen for the small space. Originally she had an outboard in the well just aft the current engine hatch.
- Look at that hull – blaster back with soda, epoxied and then cloth applied. Note the off-centre shaft.
- Engine
- The original outboard well (for a Seagull) blocked off
- Keel boxes original and in excellent condition apart from some scuffs.
- Some damage to the skins will be covered with cloth. Greatest problem was that screws holding the base of the boxes to the case logs had sheared.
- Doesn’t that look better!
- Very tidy board case
- The rubbing strake is enormous forward – great strength and sheds water at sea.
- A proper pulpit! Wonder if Martin has a dog-collar?
- That large rubbing strake!
- The hull is a slightly different shape to the later boats aft.