
Atalanta 31 31-4
February 1963
- Other namesTandwine, Tadpole III, Jandavina
- ConditionSailing
- LocationBrough, R.Humber
- EngineIsuzu 50hp
- Rig
Comments: Sold as kit to Babro Boats. Extensive restoration started 1990s and completed by next owner who sails her around Britain including a meeting with the Falmouth lifeboat!

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31-4 Gellie - a 'new' engine for 2024

31-4 Gellie – a ‘new’ engine for 2024

2023 December - This follows on from Ian’s excellent four-page article in the 2023-2024 Bulletin:Ian had left Brough Haven in good time for the Uffa Fox 50 year event in the IOW on 20th August 2022. However his unpainted Isuzu engine has corroded underneath due to the salt water and a hole appeared in the sump.  All the engine ...

A31/4 Gellie for Sale, or offer to repair?

2014 May - Unfortunately health issues are preventing Bill getting Gellie sorted out after her disaster last year in the gales. She needs a new mast, some rigging and some repairs to the coach work all above the rubbing strake. Also a bit of TLC inside. She

A31/4 Gellie-Urgent appeal

2014 May - Just received this message from Bill Johnston, owner of A31/4 Gellie: URGENT APPEAL You may remember me as the owner of A31/4 “Gellie” Unfortunately health issues are preventing me getting Gellie sorted out after her disaster last

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
31-42023Rolling restoration' continues.
31-42022Brough, R.HumberSailing
31-42020Isuzu 50hpLaunched but stil work to do, mainly keels
31-42017Pollard, IanRyhill, YorkshireRestoringIan rescues Gellie in poor condition.
31-42015DerelictFurther damage ashore.
31-42012Blown over by gale in yard, holed.
31-42007Gillon, PeterArbroath
31-42004SailingMike sets off for Round Britain sail down the East Coast from Stonehaven, he had rounded the Channel Isles and was on passage for the Scilly Isles, when bad weather was encountered. In atrocious conditions, with wind force 9/10 and heavy short seas, Falmouth Coastguard was advised of the situation. The Coastguard requested the Lizard lifeboat to be launched and stand by. Gellie was eventually taken in tow by the lifeboat some 30 miles of the coast and made for Falmouth dead to windward. The tow to relative shelter took ten hours. On arrival the Coxswain of the lifeboat stated that he was amazed that the boat had stood up to the rigours of the tow in such appalling weather.
31-42002GellieDixon, MikeStonehavenRestoring
31-41999AberaeronWork continues - keels etc. Would like to sell
31-41995TandwineHamilton, JeremyPenarth, WalesRestoring
31-41973Briscoe, PeterWirralSailingOriginally syndicate of 3. Peter buys out other 2
31-41969UnknownSwanseaRestoringBought by shipwright and completely refitted
31-41964Tadpole IIIOfford, FER.Medway, KentSailingSailed from Upnor
31-41963JandavinaMoody, RGSolentRestoringPerkins 4-108Sold as a kit Babro Boats.

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
589Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2005-0612Stonehaven to Hamble31-4GellieDixon M210Link
720Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2015-163Channel Rescue in 200431-4GellieDixon M610Link
742Bulletin31c. Boat Commentaries2016-1738A31 Gellie by Ian Pollard31-4GelliePollard I320Link
762Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2018-1927How Scary?31-4Gellie 2Mike Dixon120Link
779Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2020-213The CA Victory Rally 2005 (& other peregrinations)31-4GellieMike Dixon720Link
820Bulletin26, T,F,31b. Class Reviews and Appreciations2023-2413Gellie A31/4 - the boat that never gives up31-4GellieIan Pollard5Ian describes the ongoing 'rolling-restoration' of Gellie00Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
172Sinclair2006Mike Dixon31-4GellieServices to the AOA: Editor 1999 – 2007
198Charles Currey2005Mike Dixon31-4GellieMost Adventurous Journey