
Atalanta A113
December 1959
- Other names
- ConditionWrecked
- LocationGalapagos Islands
- EngineLister single 4.5hp
- Rig
Comments: Sets off on 2 year round the world trip in 1960. After an eventful voyage with bad weather and gear failure they make Las Palmas in 1961. Crosses the Atlantic and passess through the Panama Canal to Galapagos where the owner had to abort the trip. She lay rotting in a mangrove swamp before being restored with locally available materials and then finally wrecked in 1990.

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What happened to A113 Aku?

What happened to A113 Aku?

2004 April - In 1996 Colin Twyford, the AOA Secretary, Sent an AOA Newsletter to Jack Nelson requesting news of Aku but heard nothing in reply. Colin sent another Newsletter in Spring 2004 .To Colin’s delight he received and e-mail response in April 2004 with details of what had gnomon.Jack took on Aku from his Father who had ...

Saving Aku A113

Saving Aku A113

1980 January -From the 1980-81 Bulletin Tony Peck and John Riding’s start of their circumnavigation, and its halt in the Galapagos islands, has been written up elsewhere. After abandoning their circumnavigation AKU was passed to a local hotelier who then passed her to his son.The previous owner, J Anthony Peck, who was too ill to continue his ...

1961 Las Palmas, Aku meets James Wharram on her Round The World trip

1961 Las Palmas, Aku meets James Wharram on her Round The World trip

1961 July - After a troublesome voyage across the Bay of Biscay Aku put in to Las Palmas on her way round the world for rudder repairs. There she caught the eye of James and Ruth Wharram. James went aboard to examine her and meet the crew. James is an admirer of Uffa Fox and the Atalanta. These photos are the ...

A113 Reaches Las Palmas on her circumnavigation

A113 Reaches Las Palmas on her circumnavigation

1961 June - From the 1962-63 BulletinMR. J. A. (TONY)  PECK,  ‘Aku’  (A.II3),  is  now  wintering at Las Palmas in the Gran Canarias Islands before setting out across the Atlantic on the next stage of his round-the­ world cruise.Fighting for Westing and raising the cockpit floorMr. Peck, accompanied by Mr. John Riding, set out from Hamble on 15 November 1960. They finished fitting out at ...

A113 Sets off Round the World

A113 Sets off Round the World

1960 November - From the 1960-61 BulletinOn 15 November 1960, John Peck in Fairey Atalanta “Aku” (A113 ) left Hamble on the longest planned Fairey Atalanta cruise yet . He planned to sail westward round the world – a two year, 31,000 mile journey.  John Peck was a racing motor cyclist aged 49. He was accompanied by 24 years old John Riding, of Southport. Their supplies included 800 meals of dehydrated meat, vegetables and milk, and a crossbow for harpooning fish. Their route will take them to the Canary Islands, the West Indies, then through the Panama Canal and across the Pacific Ocean to Tahiti , ...

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1132004Hear from Jack Nelson. He had to leave the islands and the boat was sold in the late 1980s to a man who intended to charter her. Aku was cut in half and lengthened and fitted with a wood and concrete keel. She broke up after one voyage!
A1131991WreckedWrecked in the Galapagos
A1131980Owner writes in Bulletin 1980-81, page 9 about restoration 5 years ago, sheathing in Burlap (hessian) and Arabol
A1131973Neson, JackSailingOwner passes boat to son who plans restoration and sailing to Australia. Reported in fine condition in 1973.
A1131965StoringAku rests in a mud (beach) berth - mangrove swamp
A1131964NelsonGalapagos IslandsSold to owner of the Galapagos Hotel and previous owner returns to UK
A1131963Aku reports from Galapagos.
A1131961Aku winters in The Canaries. See 1961-62 bulletin page 2.
A1131960Owner (who had a wooden leg) sets out to sail Westward around the world.
A1131959AkuPeck, JAPort Hamble, HantsSailingLister single 4.5hp

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
122Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1961-622Aku and Adversity - Round the World Step 1A113AkuPeck J.A.310Link
136Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1962-639Stop Press - Aku reaches GalapagosA113Aku020Link
329Bulletin26, T,F,31c. Boat Commentaries1980-819Saving AkuA113AkuNelson Jack110Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award