
Atalanta A49
March 1958
- Other names
- ConditionDestroyed
- LocationSheffield
- EngineCoventry Victor
- Rig
Comments: Based in Scotland for most of her life before being sold in 2019.

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A49 seems to be in need of rescue

A49 seems to be in need of rescue

2021 October - Just saw this on Boat Scrapyards site. The boat is in Cheshire

Base camp Terrapin

Base camp Terrapin

2019 May - base camp established we are missing the magneto from the Coventry and need a model number  we are also wanting all the sponge replicating

Saving A49 Terrapin

Saving A49 Terrapin

2019 May - I saw A49 on ebay and I am bringing her home to restore. 

Barbara Calder, ex owner of Terrapina, dies

2018 February - See the Forum post for obituary of Barbara Calder, corinthian ex-owner of Terrapina. Quite a sailor and quite a character.

Exhaust for Coventry Victor WN4

2014 June -   Having replaced the CV Midget on A49 with the larger engine, I followed the original Midget exhaust line through the aft cabin using fabricated S/S injection exhaust stubs feeding into high temperature exhaust hoses, hence into a Y       junctio

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

Viewing 2 topics - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
Viewing 2 topics - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A492022Still in same boatyard, deteriorating. A member is salvaging parts where possible but it is likely that the boat will be destroyed soon.
A492021Wincham Wharf BoatyardDerelictAbandoned in a boatyard the hull is completely rotten. The AOA are negotiating with the boatyard to salvage parts.
A492019Parkin, RaySheffieldRestoringBought Terrapin and taken to Shefield for restoration
A492019UnknownNorthwichBought for £50 for restoration. Advertised shortly afterwards on eBay
A492005Coventry VictorReplacement Cov.Victor from Derek Buckton of A105. Engine originally in A95
A492004Gray, DavidIrvineSailing
A492003Wood, SheilaOwner dies. Boat dealings with Sister In Law
A491997Restoration continuing
A491994RestoringBoat not sailed for some time
A491975Thorburn, ColinIrvine Harbour, Scotland
A491968Harmsworth, SCaithness
A491963Calder, Mrs BAberdeen
A491958TerrapinaMacfarlan, DrSailing

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
608Bulletin26, T,F,31g. Hull and Decks2007-084Buying and restoring TerrapinaA49TerrapinaGray D610Link
727Bulletin26, T,F,31e. Rig, Sails and Tuning2015-1634Restoring TerrapinaA49TerrapinaGray D610Link
726Bulletin26, T,F,31f. Keel Gear2015-1634Restoring TerrapinaA49TerrapinaGray D610Link
725Bulletin26, 31g. Hull and Decks2015-1634Restoring TerrapinaA49TerrapinaGray D610Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award