
Atalanta A154
July 1961
- Other names
- ConditionDestroyed
- LocationWindermere
- EngineCov.Vic 16hp
- Rig
Comments: Based on Windemere for most of her life. Restoration started including preparation for fitting a Titania Blister but after over twenty years the hull has deteriorated. Scrapped and parts made available through the AOA.

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12 October 2020 - A154 Deannie Obituary

12 October 2020 – A154 Deannie Obituary

2020 October -The decision to scrap A154 was taken in October 2020. To all intents and purposes A154 is no more although she lives on through parts salvaged by the AOA to be used in keeping other boats alive. (The hull still exists in fact, exposed to the elements in the Lake District. It has been ...

A154 Deannie - Last chance to save her

A154 Deannie – Last chance to save her

2020 October - It is planned for Deannie to be scrapped over the weekend of 9-11 October.This week is the last chance if anyone wishes to save her. I you are seriously interested and have the means to move her and her gear within the next few weeks please contact us by commenting on this post below ...

A154 Deannie - restoration

A154 Deannie – restoration

2017 July - Deannie is available, free of charge, in the Lake District area, near the M6. The owners have entrusted the AOA to find a good home for her. Deannie has been under a heavy duty tarpaulin for some years and she is dry and solid inside. Her internals and cockpit blister have been removed but are ...

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1542020DestroyedDecision to scrap Deannie reached in discussion with the AOA. Members liaised with owner and salvaged the majority of Deannie's gear making it available to the wider membership. Deannie hull and keels are left on the trailer in the overgrown garden pending destruction as part of the sale of the house.
A1542017DeannieBuchanan, RosemaryDerelictNo work done since 2000. Been covered up in a garden near Windermere since 2000. Contact with owner's widow indicates Deannie may be available to a good home. All gear, fittings and interior have been stored dry in the garage.Mrs Buchanan is a frail 85 year old. Her daughter works in London City and Rosemary will phone her Nov 17 to ask advice.
A1542000DeannieBuchanan, Capt. A. J.RestoringHull completely stripped of metalwork and furniture. Cabin top removed.
A1541979Buchannan, Capt A JWindermerePays £4500 for boat, trailer and dinghy
A1541969Rainger, RCTewkesburyBased on the River Servern 3 miles S Tewkesbury
A1541965Saphir, EExact year of purchase unknown
A1541961DeannieChambers, RHambleSailingCov.Vic 16hp

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