Photo: The Rhone valley. Today I crossed over from the Marne valley to the Rhone valley passing the highest point (340 metres) and through a 4820metre long tunnel.  I think a drink is in order.
The Rhone valley


Photo: The Rhone valley.
The Rhone valley


Photo: The last of the Marne-Saone canal.
The last of the Marne-Saone canal


Photo: The last of the Marne-Saone canal.
The last of the Marne-Saone canal


Photo: The last of the Marne-Saone canal.
The last of the Marne-Saone canal


Photo: The last of the Marne-Saone canal.
The last of the Marne-Saone canal


Photo: Tournus.


Photo: Tournus.


Photo: Tournus.


Photo: Tournus.


Photo: Tournus.


Photo: Macon, I didn’t have that much wine. I tasted 4 different chardonnays all very different but when my dog started looking like a jawa I thought I had had enough.
Macon, I didn't have that much wine


Photo: Macon marina. The marina in Macon is big new and less that 50%  full.  They charged €13 per night. I gave them a hard time for being too expensive.  Electricity was extra as a comprison Lyon is the same price and includes electricity.
Macon marina


Photo: Montmerie-sur-saone. Nice place €8 with the use of showers and toilets from the campsite.  Being on the river it is subject to wash.  Some of the traffic is quite big.


Photo: Montmerie-sur-saone.


Photo: Trevoux. I stopped in Trevoux only long enough to bring the mast down as Lyon has many bridges.