
Atalanta 31 31-10
March 1964
- Other names
- ConditionSailing
- LocationConyer SC, Kent
- Engine
- Rig
Comments: Having been maintained and used for fifty years now being extensively restored.
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Contributed Blog

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Sailing again

Sailing again

2024 May - I’m very pleased to report – we are sailing again. Me, my kids and my friends Colin and Ross have just been out this afternoon, after sailing Zambra round to Queenborough on Monday. We had some false starts, and an incident with a seacock nearly sunk (!) the whole project but with a bit of a ...

Zambra leaves the workshop

Zambra leaves the workshop

2024 May - It’s exciting times in Kent, as Zambra is making the final stages of her long journey back to the sea. After ten long years of intermittent restoration, it was wonderful to see her out side again. She was moved out of the workshop on some homemade skates, mostly due to the machinery skates not turning up ...

Small victories

Small victories

2023 October - New sea toilet finally found for Zambra! After many hours trying to chase out holes in the rusted u-bend of the Simpson Lawrence sea toilet, I found one on eBay in a much better state. It fits in the same location, so with a bit of new plumbing and some new seals, that’s one off ...

Zambra ongoing works

Zambra ongoing works

2022 September - It’s been a busy few years so Zambra has had to take a bit of a backward step but this year, finally, I’ve managed to get her going forwards again. Thought I ought to drop in a pic. I was hopeful of getting her in the water again this autumn but I am probably just ...

Paint job (mostly) complete

Paint job (mostly) complete

2017 December - So today was the day that all the prep has paid off. I hope the colour gets the nod. When I stripped off the old black paint, I found some of this colour underneath and thought – why not? I’ve used Dulux trade weathershield for the white and colour, and Safekote polyurethane for the deck paint. All ...

Zambra progress - coming along, slowly but steadily...

Zambra progress – coming along, slowly but steadily…

2017 December - I thought I’d better drop in the latest news on the Zambra project, as it’s been a while. I’ve made some good progress over the last few weeks, including:Finishing all the prep work on the hull, including fitting all the deck woodwork and hardware Coating up all the woodwork in three coats of Woodskin Priming and undercoating Top coating ...

Deck repairs complete

2016 April - There has been progress – the decks are repaired, filled and primed.

Perkins 4107 rides again

Perkins 4107 rides again

2015 April - So, after much knuckle scraping, seized bolts and antiquated parts, she’s running again. Here’s a video: And a pic:

The engine bites back

The engine bites back

2015 April - We’ve finally got the engine stripped down, and I’ve ordered some various parts. Amazingly, Perkins still sell most of what I needed! But, it turned out the heat exchanger was too corroded, so a replacement one is on the way – secondhand – from Ch

More progress on Zambra

More progress on Zambra

2015 March - Today we’ve stripped out the thrust bearing and drive – it looks like an old Aquadrive sort of affair, with two universal joints, a thrust bearing and a 4″ hub connecting to the motor. Installed length is 204mm, the shaft diameter is 31.8mm. And i

It looks a bit scary at this moment...

It looks a bit scary at this moment…

2015 March - We’ve nearly stripped the whole boat now, and found a few ‘nasty’ bits of rot, but some other bits are really looking much better!

And out came the engine....

And out came the engine….

2015 February - So, having a forklift definitely helps this process, especially with the weight of a Perkins 4-107 with hydraulic gearbox. And, the excellent design of the Atalanta meaning the engine lifts out vertically!

A31-10 Zambra renovations

A31-10 Zambra renovations

2015 January - When I first took ownership of Zambra, she looked fantastic:But, as many

2011 A31-10 Zambra internal views

2011 A31-10 Zambra internal views

2011 September - 2011 A31-10 Zambra internal views. Photo: Zambra interior 1 – heads. Heads and sails storage in the forepeak. There’s a drop down flap which I

2011 A31-10 Zambra at West Mersea

2011 A31-10 Zambra at West Mersea

2011 September - 2011 A31-10 Zambra at West Mersea. Photo: West Mersea Regatta 2011 pic 1 A31-10. Zambra just after the race.

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
31-102024SailingRestoration completed and Zambra sails again!
31-102022RestoringWork begins again
31-102020StoringStill tucked up in workshop, work taking back seat to family and work.
31-102017Painting of hull looking excellent. Restorationdelayed by work commitments
31-102015RestoringZambra taken into owner's workshop and stripped for restoration
31-102010Runeckles, NickConyer SC, KentSailing
31-102007Considering selling but wants to keep boat as long as possible
31-102004Few sails
31-102001Lanched, local sailing only
31-101998Boat not launched
31-101994Reported to be in beautiful condition
31-101975Hudson, JDExact date bought not known. Owns A55 69-71
31-101967Frais, AExact date bought not known

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
197Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1968-697Channel Ialands - Zambra A31/1031-10ZambraFrais A.320Link
204Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1969-701Zambra treads a well beaten path31-10ZambraFrais A.110Link
222Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1970-712On Zambra to Brittany31-10ZambraFrais A.120Link
235Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1971-724And then the wall appeared31-10ZambraFrais A.120Link
232Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1971-720Cover - A31-10 alongside in Delft31-10Zambra110Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award