
Atalanta A5
September 1956
- Other names
- ConditionRestoring
- LocationPrestwood, Buckinghamshire
- Engine
- Rig3/4 Wood
Comments: Mark 1. In the same family since 1977, now nearing the end of an extensive and thorough renovation.
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Restoration update pt2

Restoration update pt2

2023 July - Busy weekend  actually bolting  fittings on.. such a good feeling ! Helpful  working where I do ,enables me to think through jobs and get them right first time.   On a different note  And off topic . A Picture of  the project that I was working on at work. Overall  cost circa 200k+ Only Bugatti boat left  in ...

Restoration update

Restoration update

2023 July - Final fitment of Engine bearers Brackets and nuts and bolts all in 316 s/s. Chain plates trial fitted  Today fitted only one tricky and messy job with Butyl sealer..I have found brake cleaner cleans this up very well without damaging paintwork. Spreader brackets shaped for mast  up sweep angle of 6 degrees..

Christchurch A5

2022 April - Christchurch A5

A5 restoration

A5 restoration

2022 April - Have decided to fit the keel  mechanism from Jack of London T4  as it was all made from stainless steel ,Problem is getting this lot to fit in the keel box   as it has a 5mm plate that retains the 12x countersunk bolts as A5 had the bolts going straight in to wood  which looks ...

Furlough Work cont

Furlough Work cont

2021 March - Made a mtg for the python drive from 19mm Ply /Mahogany and 2.5 mm A4 stainless.. A new propshaft from Clements  engineering made from Duplex with couplings for conversion from 3/4″to Python drive. Furlough work sadly coming to an end  back to work on the 6th April.  I will try and get the Iroko engine bearers fitted ...

Diaphony A5 on going work

Diaphony A5 on going work

2020 December - A few pictures of Deck and a illustration on forming precise curves which are then laminated. This was done a few years ago Picture of mast spreader bracket to Fairey item incorporating Faireys lower shroud mtg brackets  also retro fitted original lower shroud mtg bracket  yes its a little overkill .    

Renovation update 11th June 2020

Renovation update 11th June 2020

2020 June - Replacement engine arrived today now the fun begins fitting it Nanni 14hp with heat exchanger..Sorting out bearers tomorrow. My New Mast which I picked up on holiday in Cornwall a few yrs back at a cost of £400 is almost identical to Fairey item in measurement .. spreader brks to make  I now have the relevant ...

drg number 24833

2020 June - Hello fellow owners I am looking for  drg no 24833 Mast head rig metal mast are they available still and how much.. regards Simon

Furlough work

Furlough work

2020 June - 3 months Furlough Had to do something   Full speed ahead on Diaphony  working on the keel boxes  Mtg brackets blasted and  Galvernised  and painted with Epoxy Primer  as are the Keels just in the process of prepping the boxes for Epoxy primer having  clear coated with 3x coats SP320. Any one know the best solution for ...

A5 Rudder

A5 Rudder

2020 May - Mk1 Rudder  in very good condition  has finally found its way on to Diaphony A5 .  And have lowered the top pintle down about 2 inches, also replaced lower pintle with a stainless item.

Engine transplant

2020 May - Is there anyone running a Yanmar GM20 in an Atalanta 26 I already have a RCA Dolphin 12 hp two stroke twin fitted in the boat. I would like to know if this is a good replacement  I have a Gm10 in bits  being a single it would be a little harsh and noisy  ..not sure which way ...

Major Robin Shinkwin

Major Robin Shinkwin

2018 July - Major Robin Shinkwin was apparently the second owner of F8 “Iona”. The photo shows Him on A5 ” Diaphony” on a cruise down to St Malo, with my Father, myself and Nigel Case. It turned out to be another case of Father convincing people of the virtues of Fairey’s products. By the time we got ...

A5 Diaphony Restoration Update

A5 Diaphony Restoration Update

2016 February - A5 Diaphony Restoration Update. Photo: A5 lower pintle.

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A52023Fitting out continues with work installing the engine and on the mast and rigging.
A52022Extensive and thorough restoration work continues. Boat is getting very close to being ready to sail. Hoping for 2023....
A52020Good progress being made. Beta engine from T4 acquired and being fitted. GK24 mast rigging progressing
A52016Diaphony nearing end of extensive restoration. Largely detailing and fit out
A52005West, SimonPrestwood, Buckinghamshire
A51998RestoringReplacement rudder
A51996SailingRepairs to rudder & skeg, new mast
A51991Simon West becomes part owner
A51985Restoration underway
A51981RestoringLaid up for repairs
A51977West, SydneyItchenor
A51975Edmonds, Capt. BPChichester
A51970Emerson, Capt. and Mrs
A51965Shinkwin, Maj.Dorset
A51963Capt. Urry, SRCapt Urry also owned A1 and daughter Mrs Burnett owned A/31 special 'Peanut'.
A51960Martin, Dr Joyce
A51956DiaphonyKindersley, Lt.Cdr CRHYarmouth, Isle of WightSailing3/4 Wood

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
142Bulletin26, T,F,31c. Boat Commentaries1963-646Looking Astern after 40 years of sailingA5DiaphonyUrry S.R.220Link
236Bulletin26, T,k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry1971-726Cockpit Modifications 1970/71A5DiaphonyEmerson D.1Binnacle and hatches - Tech Paper?20Link
255Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events1973-74Round the Island Race 1974A5DiaphonyEmerson D.120Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
240Coupe Bernard2020Simon WestA5DiaphonyFor rescuing parts and gear from T4 Brother Jack as she was scrapped
253Coupe Bernard2021Simon WestA5DiaphonyFor saving parts from the scrapped T4