The various responses to the initial question have covered the issue very well. I also use a sponge for those small pockets of water which accumulate in odd corners, as well as an electric pump in the engine compartment, and a whale pump in a cockpit seat which can pump out the engine compartment or the main cabin.
However no one has actually mentioned emergency situations, although the bilge pumping arrangements will all cater for emergency use.
So my point is that you dont have to only think about getting water out under normal circumstances but also in an emergency. What happens if we hit a waterlogged tree trunk at sea? The electric bilge pump is going to help but that whale gusher is going to be the main method of removing water. It needs to be able to collect water from the main cabin as well as the engine compartment, perhaps using a change over valve to swap suction pipes. The bucket could also be very useful but I dont know how long you could keep up using a bucket for.
We really need to think about damage control as well. Some pieces of plywood, assorted lengths of wood and some nails could enable a temporary patch to be fitted at sea – so that the water inflow could be reduced to a level which can be handled by the bilge pumps.
Not that I have ever had to use these things for real you understand, but we need to be ready for the unexpected, and be able to respond to it.