Mike Dixon

Hi Doug,

Dom’s comments re having the ‘cap’ shrouds taught at all times is crucial if you don’t want (and you really don’t) the mast to flop from side to side.  I have seen the spinnaker pole rigged at right angles to the mast to give greater initial leverage deployed to good effect even though the spinnaker pole look flimsy.

On T4, I was spoilt by having a pulley block set into the gable end of the YC’s shed, about 5 metres above the ground, which gave a good lead for hauling the mast vertical.  I also lowered the mast on one occasion by borrowing (with permission) the mast of a neighbouring boat to provide the necessary lead for when the mast was lowered to the horizontal.

A1 has a dedicated aluminium pole tripod arrangement to provide the lead.

Chances are there are as many tried and tested methods as there are boats.  And you never hear about the attempts that have ended in failure – with Dom’s notable exception.

Good luck!
