When replacing the rubbing stakes on A1, I used Sapele. Bit of background – almost all the rot and damage to the hull lamintaes was the result of water ingress behind the rubbing stakes – which also act as cover plates over the joint between the hull and topside mouldings.
Following advice from Nick (Phillips) I applied two thicknesses of Sapele. Both were (are) 10mm thick. The first layer was epoxy glued to the hull and topside mouldings thus almost guaranteeing a waterproof joint and mitigating against further rot.
The second layer was screwed in place, with the edges profiled as necessary. I saw this second layer as ‘sacrificial’, in as much that if it became damaged (which it almost certainly will be), it is a relatively simple job to replace the damaged section, without having to disturb the first (inside layer).
I had no problem bending the strips to suit the curves of the hull.
Hope this helps.