Nick Phillips

Spinnakers are great and really transform downwind sailing. A Code 0 on a bowsprit might be easier to handle than a spinnaker ….

There have also been musings over the years about dealing with peceived ‘under canvassed’ rig. This makes the Atalanta great for family sailing and they really can handle a blow, but are slow in light airs.

What about a carbon fibre mast, perhaps 5′-6′ longer, with a ‘fat head’ main and dyneema rigging?  Balance might require that bowsprit – some design work would be required. And thought would be needed to the harsher stresses imposed on the chainplates (dyneema doesn’t stretch so shock loadings increase).  But she could be much faster in light airs and with well designed reefs and the lighter mast there might not be any impact on heavy weather performance.
