• Creator
  • #20193
    Mike Dixon

    Hello all,

    I’m restoring a Dinky dinghy.  Does anyone know the draft of the dinghy?  I would like to varnish the topsides but paint and anti-foul the bottom (I intent to tow the dinghy astern of ATALANTA).  I need to know where to ‘draw’ the line beteen the two coatings.  Knowning the draft will give me a clue, but I expect to draw the line just above (couple of inches) the waterline.

    Many thanks






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  • Author
    • #20197
      Nick Phillips

      Hi Mike.

      A31, Titania, A1 and now Dinky – you must love Fairey restoration!
      Failing a local pond you could use to mark the waterline (any of your neighbours got one?)……

      Uffafox.com has a Duckling page with a line drawing and some details. (And I have now put the draft of 6″ on the AOA ‘dinghies’ page).

      As to marking the waterline a dinghy is somewhat simpler than an Atalanta. For the Atalanta I like to level the boat fore-and-aft and athwartships using a water level (clear hose full of water) and then use a laser level set up off the beam and swept from bow to stern. Teamac have a page which neatly summarises the key methods and the great Will Stirling has an article on Classic Boat website.

      What do other people do?


    • #20230
      Mike Dixon

      Thanks Nick,

      I’ve had a look at the two websites you mention.  Teamac fine but short on detail.  Classic Boat article by Will spot on and do-able except I don’t (strictly speaking not allowed to at the moment) want to get the dingy’s bottom wet.  All right for loo roll, but the bottom is bare wood.

      Any more ideas out there?



    • #20231

      Battens and string?


    • #20340
      Mike Dixon

      Thanks “AOA Keymaster” – I’ve watched the youtube – useful variation on the Will Sterling method – but needs three people instead of two.  Not sure if I can get a third person right now!

      Thanks again,


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