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  • #10086

    I just received a report of an A31 – most likely A31/10 Zambra – seen at Lower Halstow barge dock last Saturday 23rd July. 

    Bob Telford continues “We are keen to promote the use of the dock, now that it is clean and flat, thanks to the Thames Barge Edith May staying alongside some of the time in the summer…  Anyone wanting to use the dock is welcome to contact me ( 01795 844058) to check that the dock is empty – usually is but just in case”

    Lower Halstow dries out at the end of Stangate Creek, which runs southwards opposite Thamesport Container Terminal on the Medway. If you zoom right in on Google Maps you can see the Edith May.



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  • Author
    • #10087
      Bob Telford added further information:
      “The first thing people should do is look at the Edith May’s Charter – http://www.edithmaybargecharter.co.uk/ – Lower Halstow – schedule – to see when she is based there. She may still sail from her mooring in the creek, and I will check when asked to make sure.
      Although Edith May is based here, she does not actually have an absolute priority, but as we do not yet have an Hon Harbourmaster, which I seem to be slipping into because I am keen to promote the use of the dock, and Geoff Gransden, who owns Edith May is aware of that; I am also a big supporter of the Edith May being based here so it it is matter of management.”
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