• Creator
  • #27824
    Gregory Manning

    I really like the suggestion that an Atalanta up the Thames would be a good idea.  Could we plan a flotilla to get Tower Bridge open.  I realise that is a big ask as masts would have to come down before London Bridge?

    What a challenge and some PR if we could pull it off.

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  • Author
    • #27825
      Stephen McCann

      Totally agree – though, what about ‘down’ the Thames vice up? Happy to host at mine and launch over the road at Benson. (or even enter at Oxford). Would make the route easier with the flow? I think that at a low tide, the Atalanta could get under Tower Bridge. Need to check a map. But would love to be in fine fettle with mast up (and perhaps “a bit of sail ‘for balance’ Harbourmaster”) as we went through.

    • #28686
      Mike Dixon

      Maps/charts and other comments……………….

      I took Gellie upstream as far as Tower Bridge and have taken my narrow boat up the Thames from Limehouse Basin (end if the Regent’s Canal) up the tidal Thames to Teddington lock and up the non tidal Thames as far as Oxford before nipping back into the canal system.  Gellie’s trip was fine apart from keeping a beady eye out for other traffic and floating debris.  The narrow boat (all 58 ft of it) trip was something else.  Such was the concentration of every one on board (three of us) that we didn’t take one single photograph!  I take my hat off to the likes of Greg who regularly does the downstream trip in a canoe/kayak!!

      Maps/charts.   I have (uncorrected) Admiralty charts 3319 and 3337 – Teddington – Tower Bridge – Margaret Ness and Imray C2 – Teddington to Southend.  I also have (though I can’t lay my hands on it) the PLA book of all the bridges from Teddington to the QE2 bridge at Dartford.  This book is a mine of information.  All available on loan.




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