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  • #17736
    Doug Odgers

    Well A90 has arrived in Dorset, thanks to Dominic Dobson who has the patience of a saint in getting her into a barn and towing A90 from Yorkshire on the wondiest day of the year.

    So, she is on her trailer, I have some superficial work to do on her.

    How do I take the weight off the tyres. I appreciate I have to use a trolley jack and axle stands. But what else must I do to stop her ‘wobbling’ off the supports as I wandering around on deck ?


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  • Author
    • #17737
      Nick Phillips

      Hi Doug
      Great news that A90 has got to her new home! (And well done Dom!)

      In answer to your question …. for me it would depend on how long the boat is going to be on the trailer and the extent of the works you plan. The way I winterise my trailer is to put wooden blocks under the trailer fore and aft of the wheels, and under the jockey wheel. This provides a completely stable platform and relieves the suspension.  Ideally you need large blocks for stability. I use 18″ lengths of old sleepers – very rot resistant.  I normally jack the front of the trailer first and place the blocks in front of the wheels, then jack and block the stern. This avoids issues with the jockey wheel.

      The height of the raising from the ground depends on how long I intend her being on the trailer.  During my protracted deck restoration I had the wheels clear but if the boat is only going to be on the trailer for a few months I lift just high enough to take most of the weight from the wheels.  I know some people raise the trailer and remove the wheels before settling back onto blocks.

      And I have worked on the boat without lifting the trailer at all. In this case I find a prop is required under the stern (to the deadwood) to hold the stern up. But the boat does move as you walk around!

      Let us know how you get on.



    • #17738
      Doug Odgers

      Hi Nick,

      Thanks so much for that good guidance.


      Off now to get some sleepers,


    • #17739
      Richard James

      Hi Doug,

      I echo Nick’s comments that it’s great news that A90 has a new home down south. Well done Dom Dobson too.

      I put large sleeper-size blocks under each corner of my trailer, which effectively is just fore and aft of the wheels, and this gives good stablity to walk around the boat. I leave the wheels on for safety.


      Richard James


    • #17751
      Doug Odgers



      Thanks, that’s what I shall do then.

      Have just got back from getting the sleepers.

      Once again, thsnks.


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