AOA60 Atalantas around the World

We are trying to get around the world, using our collective miles travelled in Atalantas (by sail or trailer).
Contributions are welcome from anyone provided their trip is made in one of the Fairey Marine yachts.

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To enter a journey click on the ‘New’ above the table on the right.
To edit one of your previous entries double-click on the item you want to change and make your changes.

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wdt_ID Sail No. Boat Name Start Date Trail or Sail Miles Done Description Userid
1 A89 Colchide 04/04/2018 Sail 1 Early Launch and motor to berth 0
10 A1 Atalanta 24/08/2018 Trail 116 Market Harborough to Suffolk Yacht Harbour AOA60 0
11 A1 Atalanta 27/08/2018 Trail 8 Suffolk Yacht Harbour to Orwell Yacht Club Ipswich 0
18 A90 Mourne Goblin 08/02/2019 Trail 277 Deliver to new owner 0
54 A124 Helene 10/08/2022 Sail 290 Manningtree - Lymington and back for UF50 0