Triggered by some recent (unsuccessful) attacks on the site we have updated the way people can request an account. It is now more manual than before. This does not affect existing users of the website.

At the same time we have bundled a number of other changes which we hope you will find an improvement. (If not, hit that ‘Contact Us’ link at the bottom of the page and tell us!)

  • A new page for Logged in Website Users.
    • Displayed immediately after login
    • Summarises website updates since you last logged in
    • Less cluttered links useful to those with accounts
  • Simplification of the ‘Forum’ page
    • Consolidation to a single Forum
    • More accessible ‘Create New Topic’ button
    • Improved ‘Browse’ page
  • Better format for the display of Blog posts and Forum entries
  • And a number of ‘under the bonnet’ changes to improve performance

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