Blue Jackaroo

Atalanta A71
May 1958
- Other names
- ConditionRestoring
- LocationEdinburgh
- EngineYanmar
- Rig
Comments: Blue Jackaroo is enshrined in the AOA history as a result of paintings donated as trophies for the Association. Owner EL Sinclair painted what is now the 'Sinclair Trophy' and Alan Vines later painted what became the 'Odling Tophy' from the same photo.

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Blue Jackaroo for sale.

2023 August - Blue Jackaroo for sale on Ebay for a pound

Blue Jackaroo 2020 Repairs

Blue Jackaroo 2020 Repairs

2020 May - Hello guys, been a while but using the warm weather I have been at work doing what I can.  she started as loose tape on the deck and a little hole in the transom as i bought her but has evolved to.70% of the Transom had to be rebuilt. She is solid but needs finishing Roof ...

A71 Sailing Videos

A71 Sailing Videos

2014 May - A71 was bought by Lisa and Terry Greatrix. Terry’s brother had owned Blue Jackaroo earlier in her life and he helped Lisa and Terry restoration A71 to he former glory.Lisa and Terry made quite a few short videos of A71 which are available on a playlist dedicated to he on our Youtube channel.

2013 A71 Blue Jackaroo returns to former owner

2013 A71 Blue Jackaroo returns to former owner

2013 June - 2013 A71 Blue Jackaroo returns to former owner. Photo: oare_creek. A71 Blue Jackaroo is back with her former owner, Andy Greatrix. Seen here a

A71 Blue Jackaroo moves to Chatham

A71 Blue Jackaroo moves to Chatham

2012 August - A71 Blue Jackaroo moves to Chatham. Photo: Chatham_smaller. Blue Jackaroo at Chatham, August 2012, after a fantastic sail up river against Win

A71 Blue Jackaroo For Sale

A71 Blue Jackaroo For Sale

2004 December - Blue Jackaroo, in excellent condition, is for sale. ‘Click’ on a photo for a slideshow.

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A712023Tindale, RoryEdinburghSold through ebay. New owner pleased with general condition but lots to do. Some deck restoration, fit engine etc,Sold for £1
A712022YanmarA lot of work has been done, including refurbished enge yet to be fitted. Painted and well covered.
A712020Repairs make good progress. Concerns about engine.
A712019Lamb, FraserCramond Boat Club, ScotlandRestoringThe the hull is in decent shape, the transom needs replaced and the mast needs the top section repaired as do all hatches and the floor coverings
A712018West ScotlandLocation not confirmed
A712015Styles, KerryFaversham
A712011Greatrix, TerryR.MedwayLisa and Terry do a great refit.
A712003Advertised for sale £6000
A712001Greatrix, AndyOare Creek, Faversham, KentSailingSold for £6000, David Hall gives AOA £50 for assistance in sale.Andy Greatrix is previous owner of A132
A712000For sale for £8000
A711997Hall, DavidUnknown
A711994For sale, £12000
A711992Redfern, Michael and ClaireShorehamDolphin 12hp petrol
A711983Harris, PaulPensarn
A711982For sale £4500
A711980Painting of Blue Jackaroo sailing is given to the AOA to create a trophy in memory of her husband
A711979Sinclair, D & ChristopherELS died in 1979, widow and son take over Blue Jackaroo. Additional partners Dowding, Nick and Davies, Steve
A711958Blue JackarooSinclairChelseaSailing

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
1,375Video26, T,F,31c. Boat CommentariesVA071-1VA071-1 Atalanta 26 fairey marine blue Jackaroo sailing!A71Blue Jackaroo0A71 Sailing off Ramsgate after restoration00
1,376Video26, T,F,31c. Boat CommentariesVA071-2VA071-2 Atalanta 26 (2)A71Blue Jackaroo0A71 Sailing off Ramsgate after restoration00
1,377Video26, T,F,31c. Boat CommentariesVA071-3VA071-3 Atalanta 26 (3).mp4A71Blue Jackaroo0A71 Sailing off Ramsgate after restoration00
1,378Video26, T,F,31c. Boat CommentariesVA071-4VA071-4 Atalanta 26A71Blue Jackaroo0A71 Sailing off Ramsgate after restoration00
1,379Video26, T,F,31c. Boat CommentariesVA071-5VA071-5 Blue Jackaroo leaving ramsgate!A71Blue Jackaroo0A71 Sailing off Ramsgate after restoration00


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award