Sugar Plum

Atalanta A142
September 1960
- Other names
- ConditionSailing
- LocationArisaig, Scotland
- EngineBMC Vedette
- RigMasthead
Comments: Fitted with hydraulic keel hoists. Meticulously maintained and regular appearances in Practical Boat Owner in recent years.

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Recommended Atalanta Trailer - BSP TEX

Recommended Atalanta Trailer – BSP TEX

2024 October - I have recently taken delivery of a new purpose made trailer for A142 Sugar Plum after my previous one was written off in a “no fault” accident in May.  The trailer was made by BSP TEX who have acquired RM Trailers. They have the original Fairey plans.I have brought Sugar Plum (A142) home from the west ...



2024 May - Sugar Plum has a new bullseye light in her forepeak.   What a difference that has made.


2023 June - Sugar Plum doing some challenging pilotage in the North Channel of Loch Moidart.

2012 A142 Sugar Plum at Portsoy

2012 A142 Sugar Plum at Portsoy

2012 June - 2012 A142 Sugar Plum at Portsoy. Photo: Portsoy 12-3. A142 Sugar Plum at Portsoy Traditional Boat Festival, 23/24 June 2012

Scottish Traditional Boat Festival-Portsoy

2012 June - Greg Manning has sent a report on A142 at Portsoy, with this photo  

2012 A148 Refurbishment - getting there

2012 A148 Refurbishment – getting there

2012 June - 2012 A148 Refurbishment – getting there. Photo: Getting there!. A148 Johara

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1422020Launched in 2021 sporting fancy new ports (windows) in the fore and aft cabins.
A1422020Boat continues to be sailed actively although not launched this year due to Covid-19
A1422017Arisaig, Scotland
A1422013Keels and boxes restored
A1422007Toerails replaced
A1422004Major works including hog replace.
A1422001New trailer
A1422000Manning, GregGairlochSailing
A1421999For Sale again, £8800
A1421993For Sale, Classic Boat £10,400
A1421985Hydraulic keels fitted
A1421976Hirst, GeoffS.Ferriby, Humber
A1421962Bingham, FCBridlington
A1421960Sugar PlumWatsonQueensferry, West LothianRestoringMastheadBMC VedetteSold as a kit

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
615Bulletin26, T,F,31g. Hull and Decks2007-0844Replacing toe-railsA142Taor MinaCamus R510Link
623Bulletin26, T,F,31g. Hull and Decks2008-0916Repairing laminatesA142Taor MinaManning G400Link
644Bulletin26, T,F,31k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry2009-1035Loch Gairloch to the Moray FirthA142Taor MinaManning G910Link
690Bulletin26, T,F,31f. Keel Gear2012-1339KeelsA142Sugar PlumManning G310Link
684Bulletin26, T,F,31j. Interior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry2012-1310Keeping warm on boardA142Sugar PlumManning G210Link
704Bulletin26, T,F,31f. Keel Gear2013-1442Forward Keel box repairsA142Sugar PlumManning G810Link
716Bulletin26, T,F,31k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry2014-1531Gairloch to the Shiant IslandsA142Sugar PlumManning G520Link
744Bulletin26, T,F,31g. Hull and Decks2017-183Just in Time (Deck refurbishment)A142Sugar PlumManning, G410Link
761Bulletin26, T,F,31f. Keel Gear2018-1923Bolt HolesA142Sugar PlumGreg Manning420Link
755Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General2018-190Cover - Dysart (26) and Caperdonich (31)A142CaperdonichKennoway, B110Link
1,363Press26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2019-01-PBO28Tales of the Sugar Plum FairyA142Sugar PlumBruce Mair2Practical Boat Owner. Account of a two day experience of sailing A142 on the West Coast of Scotland00
774Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2019-2018Not a good StartA142Sugar PlumGreg Manning610Link
780Bulletin26, T,F,31i. Trailers and Trailing2020-219Help the Aged; Be Kind To Your Mast and BoatA142Sugar PlumGreg Manning520Link
796Bulletin26, T,F,31k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry2021-2220The Seven Deadly SinsA142Sugar PlumGreg Manning5Greg brings some light into his world, and is chuffed20Link
793Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2021-2212Sailing Single HandedA142Sugar PlumGreg Manning4Greg meets some unexpected fog on a singlehanded sail20Link
806Bulletin26, T,F,31g. Hull and Decks2022-2314Shhhh! Coppercoat for A142A142Sugar PlumGreg Manning4Greg describes the preparation for and aplication of Coppercoat to Sugar Plum's hull.00Link
810Bulletin26, T,F,31i. Trailers and Trailing2022-2335Love your mast - securing for trailingA142Sugar PlumGreg Manning3Greg describes the method he uses to securely and safely fix Sugar Plum's mast on deck fro trailing. He appies his typical thorough, solid engineering to the original Fairey Marine approach.00Link
819Bulletin26, T,F,31g. Hull and Decks2023-2411Three seasons on with CoppercoatA142Sugar PlumGreg Manning2Three year's on Greg is not impressed with the usability of his Coppercoat00Link
824Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2023-2427Whales, Otters and VikingsA142Sugar PlumGreg Manning4A cruise in the Western Isles00Link
814Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General2023-240Cover: A142 exloring the West Coast of ScotlandA142Sugar PlumGreg Manning110Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
140Etchells2009G. ManningA142Sugar PlumBest Log in the Bulletin
187Odling2007Joint award: R. CamusA142Taor MinaBest Technical Article: New toe rails
189Odling2008Greg ManningA142Taor MinaBest Technical Article: Repairing laminates
194Odling2013Greg ManningA142Taor MinaBest Technical Article: Keel Box repair
207Charles Currey2014Greg ManningA142Sugar PlumMost Adventurous Journey
214Odling2017Greg ManningA142Sugar PlumBest Technical Article: Article on deck restoration
220Odling2018Greg ManningA142Sugar PlumBest Technical Article: Article on keel bolt cover plate restoration
224Etchells2019Greg ManningA142Sugar Plum
256Charles Currey2022Greg ManningA142Sugar PlumArticle about single handed adventure in fog
271Etchells2024Greg ManningA142Sugar PlumFor the account of his cruis in W.Scotland 'Whales, Otters and Vikings'