Nick Phillips

Nice dog!

I think you have a very wise approach to Atalanta Mary.  It is very easy (yup, I did it for too many years) to fall into the ‘forever repairing’ behaviour, with the boat stuck ashore.  Your approach of using the boat and dealing with the jobs as they need to be dealt with is great.  (Also helped because Atalanta Mary is a very sound boat having been loved by you and previous owners).

The barge match looks impressive – they are amazing vessels.  And the crews very skilled in handling them.

I have been rueing the fact that I am not afloat and taking advantage of all the excellent Spring we have had. Its not work on Helene that has kept me ashore – she hasn’t had much of a look-in –  rather a  million and one other activities.   But we are heading for the water soon, and certainly in time to take part in the AOA60 fun in August.