Dominic Dobson


A90 has had a number of names Panda, Mourne Goblin, when I bought her she was called Navare Celeste although she never sailed under that name, I reinstated Mourne Goblin as that was the name on the impressive Part 1 registery blue book, I also served on ships which had name changes my first assignment as cadet was a new build and called La Estancia a few years later I returned to her with the same management company but new name Chelsfield never could work out why she’d been re named only thoughts are that the owner had changed, Buries Markes the company that owned her originally and who I worked for called all their ships La —— as originally I believe they ran ships out to South America. So I don’t think name changes matter but I’d never have a green boat as that’s bad luck (A90 was green when I got her soon stripped and repainted)
