Thanks for the kind words Nick, she is getting much more done since I am not rushed now which is great because these problems would have festered.
I am not sure what leaded lighting is but I though of windows in the transom but not much use with a ladder and outboard mount planned for either side. I am up for anything on the bits I have rebuilt. I am considering once I have got the back looking flush attaching some really thin veneer to bring back the old look she had with the varnished transom. I actually had considered making her nameplate in epoxy with some lab chemicals mixed in to make the epoxy glow when exposed to light as shown by this amazing youtuber, he answers most of my questions which is rare and has amazing videos. Another is about epoxy with carbide and diamonds added similar to advanced concretes that might be great for coating boat keels.
I have some oxalic acid on the way for the rust spots, other than needing more sanding the wood looks perfect on the bubble so should take epoxy well. I am still thinking the repair though but I am going to try for a nice round inlay with the mahogany veneer I can salvage then I can put all the strengthening on the inside.
I am considering stripping the inside cabin back to barewood on top so not sure about finishes that would let the inside wood breath or if thats a good idea but the thick house paint had moister between the paint and wood.
The epoxy will stiffen it up a bit itself hopefully. I considered putting some fiberglass between the layers but as I understand it in bending the center of a material is not actually compressing or stretching so not sure again. My epoxy is a bit more elastic than west coast, I had a great long chat with the rep who said a lot of boat yards in the UK use it.
Any general insight is always great as I am new to all this.