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  • #10478
                       LATE AUTUMN NEWSLETTER 2014

    This e-Newsletter is being emailed to all recent AOA members, and a printed copy sent by post to those without email addresses. You may find it easier to read by printing it out, or viewing it on the AOA website here: http://goo.gl/ZXrtrx

    1.  Annual Subscriptions
    2.  AGM & Luncheon – 17th January 2015 at Doggetts
    3.  Last call for Bulletin articles
    4.  Electronic copies of AOA publications
    5.  The Boats
    6.  60th Anniversary ideas
    7.  Next year’s Committee

    The on-line page at http://goo.gl/C7PZbL explains how AOA finances have been hit with a “double-whammy” – membership is slowly declining whilst printing and especially postage costs are increasing. Annual subscriptions have stayed the same for the last 5 years. At the same time many members now have email addresses, and use online banking.

    Discussion about payment methods and subscription charges for 2015 will take place with Committee members before the AGM. We will also discuss sending the Bulletin/Year Book and newsletters by email to members at a lower Subscription cost.  This would hopefully encourage more overseas members to join us as well.


    The present subscription rates are £20 for UK, £22 for Europe, £24 for Overseas. Payment can be made by cheque to “AOA” and posted to the Hon. Secretary, 12 Chantry Close, Kings Langley, WD4 8EX, or via PayPal to < secretary@atalantaowners.org.uk>, or you can make a direct transfer to the AOA account at Sort Code 20-06-72, A/C 10613134. (If making a transfer, please also send an email to let us know).

    2.  AGM & LUNCHEON
    Will take place from 12:00 midday on Saturday 17th January 2015 at Doggett’s Coat & Badge, 1 Blackfriars Bridge, London, SE1 9UD. The cost will be £25 per head and payment (see above) should be made by 1st January.

    If you there is an issue you would like to include on the Agenda, please notify the Hon.Secretary or Commodore by 1st January. The Agenda will be published early in the New Year.

    Trevor is compiling the new Bulletin, and has space for your sailing stories, technical articles and photos. Remember that your submissions qualify for our Annual Trophies for best log, best technical article, most adventurous voyage, and best photo. Copy deadline is 30th November but please email or use the “Contact Us” page if you need a little more time.

    At the last AGM it was agreed that electronic copies of drawings and other documents can be sent to members for a fee of £1.00, on the understanding they are for personal use only. Paper copies of documents will continue to be sent by post at prices given on the website – see http://goo.gl/OcKBbL If you have problems navigating the online “Shop” please contact Trevor on 01646 689013 or < trevorthompson.milcwm@btinternet.com>.

    5. THE BOATS
    If you keep an eye on the Boats for Sale list at http://goo.gl/FYRrfa you will have noticed the following boats found new owners during 2014:

    A115 Sabrina of Croyde – now “Liquid” –  to new member Robbie Cormie in Cheshire
    A144 Cyn – to new member Mick Byrne in Ireland
    A148 Johara – to new member David Phillips in Conyer
    T12 Tily-Ho – now “Harrier” – to new member Stephen Taylor in Cornwall

    A33 Sirius sails regularly on the St Lawrence River in Canada, and has been sold to Michel Lapierre. Also, a 9ft Fairey Duckling sailing dinghy is available in Plymouth. There is a newly built Atalanta trailer for sale at Port William, Wigtownshire – http://goo.gl/xxhPdu

    Only 12 (or is it 13?) Atalanta 31ft hulls were ever produced, and there is growing concern over several of these – see http://goo.gl/oDYshr

    2015 marks the 60th anniversary of the launch of Atalanta A1. Ten years ago we celebrated the Association’s half-century with a gathering of members and boats at Hamble Point, and the Committee are seeking ideas for our 60th.

    One suggestion is a cruise in company to the Baltic, which could be accomplished in a number of different ways. If you would be interested in taking part please contact Trevor Thompson (see item 4 above)

    The AOA is an entirely voluntary affair, and the value of our boats is hugely enhanced by having an active, welcoming and well publicised Owners Association.

    Your Hon. Secretary has announced that he wishes to step down after more than 6 years. While acknowledging the great support received from members, especially Committee members, and from Mariana for keeping the accounts, the Association urgently needs more people to take on roles that will enable it to thrive. With the exception of PR and Events, these are the tasks we have been doing, which could be easily taken on by several people:

    Secretary – Membership and records
    Treasurer – Keeping accounts, preparing annual report
    Website – e-Newsletters, developing the online “shop”, and boat sales
    AGM – Organising the Annual General Meeting
    Public Relations – Promoting AOA, e.g. yachting press and marine suppliers
    Events – Co-ordinating events such as East Coast Race, classic
    regattas, laying up lunches, etc.

    If it crosses your mind, “I can do some of that…” please hit Reply straight away. The AOA needs you!

    With best wishes,

    John Ingleby
    Hon. Secretary
    tel: 01923 400071  mob: 07970 732376
    < secretary@atalantaowners.org.uk>
    12 Chantry Close, Kings Langley, Herts, WD4 8EX

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