• Creator
  • #10546
    Nick Phillips

    Hi everyone

    Due to a lack of entrants it looks like the East Coast Race and the Atalanta Cup will be uncontested this year. Through a combination of circumstances only Jane Stearn and ‘Bluster’ are entering from the regulars of recent years and others are unable to attend.

    This is shame but times change.

    If anyone is interested we would need another couple of entries and these would need to be registered in the next week or two.



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  • Author
    • #10547
      jim pailing

      What a bugger !

      Bought me burgee too and the wifes bought a house on the Blackwater especially !

      Just logged on to say I will be on my way in me Fisherman after months of cutting, glueing and sanding and this is what I get !

      Hoping to sail round from the R. Lee and Thames during the last week in August and would appreciate ‘some stars to steer her by’ !

      Come on chaps !


    • #10548
      jim pailing

      Never a door closes than one slams in your face !  House moved delayed till, you guessed it, the Friday 29th August which puts me out of the race too ! Boxes, boxes !

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