The Atalanta Owners Association was formed in May 1958.
For sixty years the Association has provided the means for owners and potential owners to support themselves and each other in keeping alive these wonderful yachts made by Fairey Marine.

Celebrate with us

60 Years – worth celebrating!
Take part in one of activities. Scroll down for more information about our 60th activities on land, on the water and in your armchair.

Scroll a bit further and dress yourself for the occasion in our AOA60 shirts, and your boat with out battle-flag.


Read the very first bulletin

On the Water

August 25th-27th
(Bank Holiday Weekend)
Suffolk Yacht Harbour, Essex / Suffolk border.
Gathering of Fairey yachts, their owners, former owners, members and anyone with an interest in these iconic boats.
More details…..

28th-31st August
Linking the Rally at Suffolk Yacht Harbour to the Regatta at West Mersea.
Exact plans subject to conditions on the day but expect creeks, mud, pubs and convivial rafting up.
Everyone welcome.
More details…..

Saturday 1st September
West Mersea
As part of the West Mersea Town Regatta Fairey Yachts race for the ‘Atalanta Cup‘.
Socialise, race, enjoy shoreside events in the afternoon, supper and fireworks.
All Fairey Marine Yachts welcome.
More details ……
Locally organised AOA60 events are enthusiastically encouraged.
Standalone, or linked to existing events (e.g. Anstruther, Seafare, OGA events etc).
Logged in Users can join in the discussion about local events in the Let’s Meet Up forum.

From your armchair

Know your Atalantas?

Sixty questions to test your knowledge of the Fairey Marine yachts.
And hopefully give you a bit of fun whilst you learn more about the exploits of AOA members over 60 years.
If you don’t already know the answers they are all covered by material on the website.
There will of course be a “leader board” for the competitive amongst us.
(You will need to be a registered user of the site to take part).

… Take part

AOA 60:60:60

60 anecdotal pen pictures covering different aspects of our 60 years written by 60 different people.
Jot down your stories about people, boats and events, to be published in a 60th Anniversary booklet.

More detail / contribute …..

Round the world

Adding up our joint mileages.
We are pooling the mileages covered by Fairey Yachts from 1st January 2018 to see if we can collectively get round the world.
Open to all Fairey Marine yachts and their owners.

Add your trips to the log on this page.

AOA60 T-Shirts, Battle-flags and hats

To spread the word about our 60 years we have organised the celebratory clothing and flags. The have been sourced through a ‘drop-shipper’ who make to order and send direct to you. You order through, and pay, the AOA using the relevant Order Form. Once payment is received we will raise the order and you get your goods in a few days. No need for us to risk holding stock or you having to wait for us to assemble a large order.

Please use the correct order form for where you want the items sent. The different forms include the different postage pricing.

AOA 60 Regalia

AOA 60 Regalia
