A35 is truly an excellent communications link!
We were fascinated to delve into her story when George Caisse, who owned her between 1959 and 1964, contacted us to ask of her whereabouts (top of this thread). And now Bernard Blavier has been in contact to the same end.
Bernard is the man who renamed A35 to ‘Scherzo’ and provided her to the Maritime Museum in Bordeaux back in 1993. In discussion he has given us further insight into her life and some great photos now on A35’s boat page, including this one of him sailing her.
Bernard’s contact has reinvigorated the search for what happened to A35 when the Bordeaux Museum closed down. He is carrying out his own investigations and Mark Urry (of A1 fame) is also on the case. Interestingly a local businessman, Norbert Fradin, is starting a new museum – Musee Mer Marine – and he apparently bought a lot of the old museum’s exhibits. We hope that he may have insight into the fate of A35.
…. the story continues