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  • #15440

    Chris Green spotted this post and photo by Andrew Willatt on Facebook dealing with someone else spotting an Atalanta in a boatyard in Beaumaris, Anglesey.  The post was made in the very interesting ‘Uffa Fox Designs‘ Facebook Group.

    Atalanta Peanut in Beaumaris May 2018

    Some interesting features with her fixed bilge keels and rudder, and her mizzen mast.

    Does anyone know anything about her?

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  • Author
    • #15511
      Richard Pollard

      She was featured in a past AOA magazine, if you could look through the index I’m sure you’ll find it. Full details of how she came to be.



    • #15512

      Thank you for the pointer. Not only do I now know about Peanut but I have also fixed the problem which was preventing A31 entries in the bulletins from showing up on the boat pages. (Webmaster-error unfortunately).

      So, the indexing has been amended and Bulletin entries are now showing up on the A31 boat pages.
      Other members may be interested to refer to the 1975-76 Bulletin (right at the back) where Wendy and Brian Burnett explain how Peanut came to be as she is. Wendy is the daughter of (then) Capt.Bill Urry of A1 Atalanta and A5 Diaphony fame. Wendy and Brian fitted out a bare A31 hull themselves to create Atalanta 31 number 12 ……  but I am stealing their thunder. Have a read of the bulletin.


    • #15696
      Richard James

      What a fascinating account in the 1975/76 Bulletin of “Peanut.” It’s so useful having all the Bulletins online now. Well done Webmaster.

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