Brother Jack

Titania T4
May 1960
- Other namesKytra, Gellie, Kalkara, Perpetua
- ConditionDestroyed
- LocationPortsmouth
- EngineFord 100E
- Rig3/4 Rig
Comments: 1960 Boat Show boat. Extensive ‘rolling’ restoration in 1990s and then extensively cruise around Scotlan and to Norway.

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o Register - key changes through the years
o Press Appearances - AOA Bulletin and public media articles
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Contributed Blog

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T4 about to be scrapped

T4 about to be scrapped

2020 July - Titania T4 will be chopped up tomorrow, 22 July 2020 at in Gosport. If you want any bits from her, please phone Steve on 023 9298 4666 ASAP or contact Luke on their Facebook page, ASAP. See a video guide to the boat created by the breakers here.

Portsmouth Bound Prt 7 Lizard Point to Portsmouth

Portsmouth Bound Prt 7 Lizard Point to Portsmouth

2018 February - So I have finally got round to writing the final instalment of our journey from Isle of Man to Portsmouth. We had a fairly uneventful journey from Lizard to Portland Bill across Lyme Bay. However the wind picked up to approx F5 to F6 on approach to Portland Bill which gave us chance to kill the ...

Portsmouth Bound Prt 6 Padstow to Lizard Point

Portsmouth Bound Prt 6 Padstow to Lizard Point

2017 November - Made a cheeky visit to Brother Jack as it was my wifes birthday last week and she wanted dinner at Rick Steins’…. (Its a Malay thing)… We gave the engine a run and the cabin a good airing. After about an hour I wondered why the exhaust

Portsmouth Bound Prt 5 (Update)

Portsmouth Bound Prt 5 (Update)

2017 August - Made a cheeky visit to Brother Jack as it was my wifes birthday last week and she wanted dinner at Rick Steins’…. (Its a Malay thing)… We gave the engine a run and the cabin a good airing. After about an hour I wondered why the exhaust

Portsmouth Bound Prt 5

Portsmouth Bound Prt 5

2017 August -So progress so far we have

Portsmouth Bound Prt 4

Portsmouth Bound Prt 4

2017 August - So after the false start first time round, myself and another 2 others set sail from Aberystwyth in the dead of night (11pm to be precise).

Portsmouth Bound Prt 3

Portsmouth Bound Prt 3

2017 July - Hi All Sorry its been a while since I updated but suffice to say we have made progress to N Devon but since then progressed has stalled due to work commitments. Anyway here is the update from Aberystwyth to Padstow (but ended up going nowhe

Portsmouth Bound Prt 2

Portsmouth Bound Prt 2

2017 May - So during our trip around Anglesey was quite uneventful although we did witness an amazing sunset in the Irish Sea.

Portsmouth Bound 2017 Part 1

Portsmouth Bound 2017 Part 1

2017 May - So we arrived on a blowy Saturday morning to set off from Castletown with a view to reaching at least the North Coast of Somerset/Devon. This was slightly ambitious in hindsight now we have completed the sailing. The winds were in our favour on th

2016 Brother Jack heads South

2016 Brother Jack heads South

2017 April - 2016 Brother Jack heads South. Photo: T4 Brother Jack Lift in. Brother Jack about to get her backside wet after 6 months in the dry.

Ready for winter storage

Ready for winter storage

2016 September - So it with great pleasure that I have taken on an Atalanta Titania (T4). I am still looking into the history of her and previous owners and names (Gellie,Katya and currently Brother Jack). It is with great thanks to a fellow club member that she i

T4 Brother Jack sailing

T4 Brother Jack sailing

2016 February - T4 Brother Jack sailing. Photo: Photo of T4 Brother Jack. Sir, We struggle with computers.T4 Brother Jack is a serviceable boat, there are all

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

'; None


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
T42020DestroyedVery sadly T4 is seriously damaged during storm Ciara in February when a yacht broke free from her moorings and collided. The damage was sufficient for the insurance company to write her off and she was broken up in July. An AOA Member managed to retrieve a lot of the fittings for other boats.
T42016Jones, PaulPortsmouth
T42009Brother JackShawcross, KeithCastletown, Isle of Man
T42004Fromm, Sven
T42002KytraCerowski, EddieCastletown, Isle of Wight
T42000Mike has carried out extensive renovation and upgrading whilst sailing throughout.. Offered for sale £9k
T41990GellieDixon, MikeStonehaven
T41986KalkaraAckroyd, AlanRavenglass
T41985For sale
T41982Kyle, Jim
T41973Beecham, TLGrange over Sands
T41960PerpetuaDentSailing3/4 RigFord 100EBoat Show boat

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
457Bulletin26, T,F,31h. Rudder & Self Steering1992-939Wales to Ireland to ScotlandT4GellieDixon M720Link
471Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1993-949Scotland to NewcastleT4GellieDixon M1320Link
487Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1994-9525Stonehaven to the OrkneysT4GellieDixon M920Link
500Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1995-9616Stonehaven to Lowestoft to HollandT4GellieDixon M1120Link
519Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1997-9814Stonehaven to NorwayT4GellieDixon M930Link
526Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1998-995Portsoy to WickT4GellieDixon M730Link
539Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1999-0022Portsoy to InvernessT4GellieDixon M710Link
547Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2000-01142000 Cruise 'Round the Top' (Scotland)T4GellieDixon M410Link
551Bulletin26, T,F,31h. Rudder & Self Steering2001-026Vertical rudder for GellieT4GellieDixon M110Link
556Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2001-0216Stonehaven to the East Coast RallyT4GellieDixon M210Link
554Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General2001-0212Trim and sinkageT4GellieDixon M110Link
652Bulletin26, T,F,31k. Exterior - Mods, Equipment & Gadgetry2010-1121Buying and restoring a TitianaT4Brother JackShawcross K410Link
768Bulletin26, T,F,31c. Boat Commentaries2018-1940HookedT4GellieMike Dixon120Link
764Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General2018-1931ChutzpahT4GellieMike Dixon120Link
1,286Newsletter26, T,F,31n. AOA EventsNL-2020-09Newsletter 2020 AutumnT4, A1660Events: Write up of Covid-safe virtual Windemere meeting in MayGeneral: Summary of Atalanta Atlantic crossingsAOA Admin: Plans for the next 3 years AOA Register refurbishmentBoats: Sad news that T4 has been broken up. News that A166 is for sale from boatyard in Portland. A65 purchased by Laurence Wettern, A138 Sweet Sue bought by Ryan Morley, A55 Sue by non-member.00Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
122Etchells1992M DixonT4GellieBest Log in the Bulletin
124Etchells1994M DixonT4GellieBest Log in the Bulletin
127Etchells1997M DixonT4GellieBest Log in the Bulletin
130Etchells2000M Dixon (Joint winner)T4GellieBest Log in the Bulletin
210Coupe Bernard2017Paul JonesT4Brother JackFor website blog of delivery cruise from Scotland
235John Searle2010Keith ShawcrossT4Brother Jack