2007 A17 Gambol Summer cruising
2007 A17 Gambol Keel Box repairs
2011 A31-10 Zambra at West Mersea
2011 A31-10 Zambra at West Mersea.
Photo: West Mersea Regatta 2011 pic 1 A31-10. Zambra just after the race.
2011 Sailing with Bernard on Lake Geneva
2011 Sailing with Bernard on Lake Geneva.
Photo: Mont Blanc. Taken from Bernard Upton’s home, with Lake Geneva in the foreground and snow-topp
2011 A147 Chamois in Soctland
2011 A31-06 Caperdonich
2011 A31-06 Caperdonich.
Photo: A31/6 Caperdonich. Shot of an 1887 William Fife gaff cutter take fro Caperdonich
2011 A174 Cordyl wrecked in Bembridge
2011 A174 Cordyl wrecked in Bembridge.
Photo: A174 Cordyl interior. Interior, from forecabin looking aft. Foredeck has gone.
2011 Callista Easter Cruise by Trevor
2011 Callista Easter Cruise by Trevor.
Photo: Easter cruise on Calista. Dominic working in the galley, supervised by John
2010 A90 and A147 Sail Scotland W.Coast
A90 Naughties Restoration – 8 The Launch !
A90 Naughties Restoration – 8 The Launch !.
Photo: A90 Mourne Goblin. Atalantas were designed as “trailer-sailor” cruisers
2006 and on – Iniitial restoration in the UK
A87 Methusaleh Keel Repairs
A168 Kerry Piper Before/After 1990s restoration
A168 Kerry Piper Before/After 1990s restoration.
Photo: Kerry Piper A169. A169 in Antwerpen (Belgium) just prior to and after the restoration