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Doug Odgers
ParticipantSorry Nick, ignore my post, I’ve just found your post to me of
30 June 2021.
Thanks from Lazy Doug
Doug Odgers
ParticipantJim, That’s excellent. Off now to start on swimming ladder extention. Sea water temperature off Dorset coast at the moment is worth hanging around in.
Many thanks for the photos.
Doug Odgers
ParticipantJim, that will be very helpful.
Many thanks,
Doug Odgers
ParticipantThanks Mike that is helpful. Now considering making a version of that athwart ship ‘protector’ out of stainless steel. I’ll let you know how I get on.
Many thanks.
Doug Odgers
ParticipantThanks Mike, where could I find pictures of the sleeve and metal flange ?
Doug Odgers
Thanks for getting back.
Yes, very interested. How many & how much ?
Doug Odgers
ParticipantRichard, many thanks, It’ll remind me of picking-out cockles on the Helford !
Doug Odgers
ParticipantMike & Nick, Thanks very much from the both of you.
It’s given me what I wanted, in that I have a perspective now of ‘the possible’.
Doug Odgers
ParticipantMike & Nick,
Many thanks for your suggestions.
Looks as if the solution is far less complicated than I anticipated.
Doug Odgers
Thanks for that guidance.
It would appear that the ‘pivot bolt nut’ leak has stopped. I did change my approach to tightening up the bolt by pulling the nut to midships as I tightened. Myth or Magic, we’ll see !
Doug Odgers
ParticipantNick, thank you so much for your reply and offer of new seals. I am okay, a quantity of new seals came with the boat.
I think the seal in place is a new one. I went onboard today after 6 days absence and the bilge pump seems to be managing the water intake. So it now looks as if I can keep her afloat and use he until she comes out in the autumn.
Then I’ll have the bolt plates out to see if the ‘doublers’ are letting the pivot bolt ‘pass by’ .
Doug Odgers
ParticipantSorry everyone, found it, it was an article about A124 ‘Helene’ .
See, persistence and not laziness – it’s all on the AOA Web!
Doug Odgers
ParticipantIs there no one reading these posts ?
Come on guys, help the three of us !
Doug Odgers
ParticipantNick & Mike, Many thanks indeed.
Doug Odgers
ParticipantNick, Many thanks,
Doug Odgers
ParticipantRed faced and embarrassed !
Found the leak – port side pivot bolt cover.
There was some wood movement and I thought I’d compensated with filler.
I used the suggested garden weedkiller spray, and there was the trickle, no doubt a ‘gush’ when in the water.
Celebrate the find with me – if you don’t mind drinking with an idiot !
Thanks, everyone.
Doug Odgers
ParticipantThanks Mike,
All good ideas.
Am moving A90 to another yard where I will explore all these ideas which have given me a lot of encouragement.
Doug Odgers
ParticipantNick. Thanks very much, it’s helping me form some solutions.
Many thanks,
Doug Odgers
ParticipantThanks Nick, C24865 did the trick.
New Barton blocks just arrived.
Doug Odgers
ParticipantThanks Dom for excellent advice. Doug
Doug Odgers
Thank you for your excellent advice.
Good job I asked !
Doug Odgers
ParticipantTrevor, Richard and Mike,
Thank you all so much, excellent good guidance.
I should be okay installing through hull – many years ago I drilled through my ply Silhouette and fitted X’ducer between tides – ahh, the optimism of youth!
Doug Odgers
Many thanks for your good guidance.
I was thinking of using Bilgex which I had used on GRP boats but wasn’t sure for wood.
My engine will soon be sparking !
Doug Odgers
ParticipantThanks gentlemen.
Yes, the only local hirer who would offer me a vehicle for towing is Dorset Vehicle Hire.
I didn’t explain that my enquiry related to towing the empty trailer, which reduces my hiring period.
Again, excellent guidance.
Doug Odgers
ParticipantDom & Richard,
Thank you both very much.
I needed this preparatory to swapping our car.
Have as good a Christmas you can manage.
Doug Odgers
ParticipantHi Dominic,
That’s really helpful.
Many thanks,
Doug Odgers
ParticipantThanks Mike, I shall try both options.
Doug Odgers
ParticipantNick, thanks.
Those 1/4 ” thick boards, are they painted with a grit non-slip paint ?
Doug Odgers
ParticipantHi Dominic
Many thanks for that, I’ll contact Richard.
Doug Odgers
ParticipantSAGA , acronym … this is way beyond my pay grade !?
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