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  • in reply to: Bulls Eye Deck Light #27002
    Dominic Dobson

    You tube is your friend!!

    in reply to: LIFTING SLINGS #25107
    Dominic Dobson

    I used lifting slings on A90 when at home as I had access to telehandler (pictures on web site) but never use for launch or recovery due to using marina hoist



    in reply to: Rudder Hauling Wire Arrangement #24150
    Dominic Dobson


    from memory the wires pas up through rudder head over a couple of pulleys, the down haul sits in a groove on the leading edge of the blade,  they then enter hull passing over 2 metal pieces that look like cotton reels then pasing through a couple of turning blocks (mounted on hog?) upto another couple of blocks top of stern which allow you to lead them forward under deckhead to emerge through cockpit bulkhead. However I never found the system to work well due to friction, perhaps this could be helped by thinning the rudder blade where it enters the stock slightly something I never bothered with as I didn’t need to adjust the blade once it was down. When you fit the blade make sure it’s the right way round as if not you’ll have a very heavy helm also ensure it’s fully down when sailing for the same reason.


    in reply to: Rudder Anodes #24095
    Dominic Dobson

    I thought magnesium was for fresh water use I used standard zinc discs on A90 when I had her

    in reply to: Keel Bolt Seal lubricant #24093
    Dominic Dobson


    i never bothered but I suppose the deep waters of the Clyde are different from the muddy ditches of East coast, once the keels were down at start of season they rarely if ever came up until the lift out.

    Hope your well



    in reply to: Rubbing strake #23171
    Dominic Dobson

    When I replaced this on A90 we used sapele which worked but was difficult to machine, when replacing the toe rails I use Accoya which machined well and comes with a long guarantee against rot.


    in reply to: Weight of Trailer #23025
    Dominic Dobson


    id suggest to be definitely road legal you need 3.5t towing capacity, I used to tow with l200 which had capacity of 2.5t and towed ok but always was unsure what would happen if I was stopped/involved in accident. I think Trevor Thompson once weighed his Titania and trailer which made him empty the two tool/storage boxes that were attached to the trailer as he was close to the tow weight of his Range Rover 3.5t.

    have you considered hiring a suitable tow vehicle when required rather than buying, as unless you tow a lot you end up spending money on extra fuel throughout the year for the convenience of having a tow vehicle that is used twice a year.

    in reply to: Weight of Trailer #23016
    Dominic Dobson


    the trailer was made from original drawings and salvaged running gear and hitch by myself and friend when I purchased boat sorry I cannot help with weight, if I remember correctly there were a couple of designs and this seemed to be a sturdier version.


    in reply to: Removing Keel Hoist #22817
    Dominic Dobson

    I removed the mechanisms when I first got the boat to renew bottom part of stirrups which were corroded, no issues that I can remember just need to support the keel


    in reply to: Wooden keelboat sealing boards #22660
    Dominic Dobson

    Something I picked up from moody owners site where someone was proposing to use nylon for bushes on rudder shaft

    in reply to: Wooden keelboat sealing boards #22654
    Dominic Dobson


    i believe that nylon will absorb water and swell possibly causing the sealing board to stick, not sure what the advantages would be.


    in reply to: Where’s Our History ? #22255
    Dominic Dobson

    There is a booklet outlining history that can be bought from association perhaps a request to Richard James may get you one.

    in reply to: Mast Lowering #22024
    Dominic Dobson


    my replies from last night don’t appear to have posted there are various articles in past bulletins which can be found within the reference section of main menu, I raised/lowered A90s mast on a number of occasions the trick is ensuring that the shrouds remain tight either by raising the attachment point to the same height as mast pivot this can be done permanently see

    or temporarly using this

    i stopped raising mast myself when I smashed wooden mast after a shackle parted i decided its far easier to have it craned  on and off at end of each season



    in reply to: Mast Lowering #22021
    Dominic Dobson


    if you go to reference section under main menu then look at past bulletins there are a number of articles on raising/lowering masts. The main thing is ensuring that the shrouds are kept taught during the process, as the pivot points are different for the mast foot and shrouds this entails making an arrangement to raise the  shroud attachments, either permanently or temporarily ( if I remember correctly in one of past bulletins someone had devised a temporary solution using wooden batons,  I have raised/lowered A90s mast in past but after dropping and smashing the old wooden mast when a shackle gave way I decided that for the number of times I raised it in a season it was safer to have it craned on and off. I know Trevor (T10) lifts his mast using the spinnaker pole for leverage which is what I believe was the original design concept

    in reply to: Hello Atalanta World! #21770
    Dominic Dobson


    there are a number of different solutions I was lucky when renovating to get access to cheap storage on a farm then able to move to free storage at my parents, others have built sheds in the garden, Trevor Thompson (T10) has a purpose built boathouse in place of the garage. I’d considered a boat tent from dancover, the most important thing is that the storage is big enough to allow you to work on the boat easily especially in poor weather as this is probably the time when you’ll be able to get away from the family or won’t want to be doing something else.

    in reply to: Hello Atalanta World! #21768
    Dominic Dobson


    I don’t regret the time or money spent on renovation and given the same circumstances would do it again.

    if you’ve got children I’d buy the usable one now and go and enjoy family time with them whilst you can nothing better than been on water as a family and they soon grow up.

    if you want a release from home life then get the project in the knowledge that you’ll get immense satisfaction from the renovation but it will cost, I miss working on A90 as it was my stress relief.

    neither approach is wrong taking on either will ensure an Atalanta continues to sail as ones that are currently in use, but up for sale, can quickly deteriorate if the seller has lost interest or can no longer store and maintain.


    in reply to: Hello Atalanta World! #21766
    Dominic Dobson


    welcome to the Association I’ll try and answer some of your questions

    dry storage is essential rot in most boats is caused by rainwater accumulating

    pushpit/pulpit Atalanta were designed to be sailed without going on deck so these are not essential or in my opinion desirable the same applies to guard wire

    sails you would probably need to purchase new

    mast if needed would cost in the region 4K if bought new may be more

    hatches etc can all be made if you have some wood working skills price would be dependant on quality of materials, from experience I’d go for best you could afford as if you go budget you’ll end up doing the job again in a few years.

    toe rails can be made by laminating timber I’ve got jig in garage if anyone wants it

    if you can purchase and dry store in a shed or similar then the cost of renovation can be spread over years, however again from experience once you’ve got to a point where she’s usable put her on water and use her as renovation never finishes.

    it is cheaper to buy a good example than to renovate but this means you need a lump of money available when one becomes available and Atalanta ownership isn’t about financial rewards. If you look at A90s log you’ll be able to see work involved in renovation much of the enjoyment was bringing her back to life and saving from the bonfire.

    good luck with your venture


    Dom (ex owner A90)

    in reply to: Keel Pin Removal #21762
    Dominic Dobson


    do you have Trevor Thompson keel manual which is available from association it’s very comprehensive on how keels attach etc its paper f technical papers in reference section of site

    in reply to: Keel Pin Removal #21761
    Dominic Dobson


    i assume you mean the stainless pin that connects stirrup to keel, this pin is captive the 2 sides of the stirrup are connected higher up by a flange on each one that has a bolt through (as per Colin Twyfords mod on Hiron which I believe was written up in one of the bulletins), if you remove bolt this will allow the stirrup to be prized off, you may be able to do this without removing bolt but be carful not to bend stirrup. Not sure what your trying to achieve but it may be that you don’t need to remove keels as I dropped them and inspected shortly before I sold to you.

    see reference section technical paper w

    give me a ring if I can help mobile number in membership book



    in reply to: Trailer Brake Expander -advice please #21685
    Dominic Dobson

    From what I can remember looks about right assuming I had it right when I set them up!! Originally came from an old plant trailer bought at farm sale so unknown vintage.

    in reply to: E-WOW – Wild on Windermere in the Ether #21554
    Dominic Dobson

    Thanks for organising Nick

    in reply to: E-WOW – Wild on Windermere in the Ether #21538
    Dominic Dobson

    Phone died iPad too old to run app hopefully see you all later in year still op for helping out at Boat show if it goes ahead


    in reply to: E-WOW – Wild on Windermere in the Ether #21488
    Dominic Dobson


    hope you enjoy Low Wray used group site on a number of occasions in past wonder if Justin is still the warden.

    in reply to: Never Change a Boat Name ? #20763
    Dominic Dobson


    A90 has had a number of names Panda, Mourne Goblin, when I bought her she was called Navare Celeste although she never sailed under that name, I reinstated Mourne Goblin as that was the name on the impressive Part 1 registery blue book, I also served on ships which had name changes my first assignment as cadet was a new build and called La Estancia a few years later I returned to her with the same management company but new name Chelsfield never could work out why she’d been re named only thoughts are that the owner had changed, Buries Markes the company that owned her originally and who I worked for called all their ships La —— as originally I believe they ran ships out to South America. So I don’t think name changes matter but I’d never have a green boat as that’s bad luck (A90 was green when I got her soon stripped and repainted)



    in reply to: Trailer Grease Point ? #20373
    Dominic Dobson


    dont put grease into brake shoes the square nut is to adjust the brake shoe  when setting them up.


    Dominic Dobson


    as I cannot work out how to private message you I’ve asked Nick to pass on my contact details if you’d like to get in touch we may be able to work out something re A90 as I’m in no rush to sell and would rather her go to someone who is going to use her.


    Dominic Dobson

    Anti fouling

    lifting the boat is not an issue and can be done with a bottle jack and supports. Better still buy a boat that has been copper coated so you don’t need to antifoul each year, I’m reluctantly considering putting my boat A90 up for sale due to impending purchase of larger craft copper coated and on a trailer.

    in reply to: Boat cover #14761
    Dominic Dobson

    I’ve found that using tent repair companies provides the cheapest option when getting canvas work done they don’t add the its for a yacht % that always seems to happen when you want anything associated with a boat

    in reply to: Connecting boats with ex-owners – A35 history #14524
    Dominic Dobson


    yes the parts that hadn’t been used to exhibit pieces were just as the video one pen contained a submarine (1960 version I think) that you could walk around to get an idea of the realities of life for the submariner.

    the bike tour was the start of some epics

    600 miles across Iceland

    Lhasa to Kathmandu via Everest basecamp

    Following the Trans Alaska pipeline Prudhoe bay to Valdis down the haul road as featured on Ice Road Truckers

    The ex was a real adventurer who came up with some wild ideas that I was tasked with making happen


    in reply to: Connecting boats with ex-owners – A35 history #14407
    Dominic Dobson

    doesn’t really help with where she is now but back in the early 90s when on a cycle tour from St Malo to Bordeaux and return, I called into the museum during the visit I saw the Atalanta and got talking with one of the staff about my interest in Atalantas. He asked us on board proceeded to scull her out into the harbour and left myself and 1st wife to sail around just asking us to ensure that we tied her up well once we’d finished. Its a shame that the museum failed as they wanted the exhibits to be living rather than static pieces.

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