This page details all archive and website updates by the date they were made – scroll down to review.
Feedback on the site and ideas for improvements are always welcome – please use the ‘Contact Us’ page.
Updates on xxth November 2018
All AOA A26, A31 & Titania Boat Registers now online. Some discrepancies but taken the most likely. Please check your boat and let me know corrections
paricular affects (though not limited to)
– all Titania
– all A31
– Atalanta numbers 140 onwards
The following photos have been scanned (thank you Mike), indexed and placed on the relevant boat pages / posts.
(Members can browse all of the photos loaded as a set here.)
1996 MDL Event
- A184 Aquilo II at the MDL Event 1996
- A148 Johara at the MDL Event 1996
- A104 Arosa in 1996 at the MDL Event 1996
- A60 Achates at the MDL Event in 1996 and others
- General shots
******** PHOTO INDEXES HAVE BEEN UPDATED – more to do in terms of ‘Tags’ to aid searches e.g. Galley, Keels but indexing by Boat now better.
DELETE ABASE Plugin, rplace presserly Boat files
PHOTO Page updated – Tag Cloud browsing. Browse photos by ‘Keywords’, including indication (font size) of number of photos
Updates on 13th November 2018
New material has been loaded to the archive and there have some technical updates.
The following photos have been scanned, indexed and placed on the relevant boat pages / posts.
(Members can click on the links below to view the relevant boat page or browse all of the photos loaded as a set here.)
This update includes the first website photos for the boats marked with an * below.
Check out A79’s unstayed cutter rig, the sad shots of A149 Britt and A45 Tammy Norry, and the photo of A51 Bacardi in Canada.
- Accessibility – improved user control of font size and colours (using icon top right corner of the screen)
- Tidied the front page lists of recent posts and comments
- Fixed issues
- AOA60 Round The World Challenge – improved data entry
- Improved (but still not perfect) video page
- Un-identified boats Let us know if you recognise them
- Boat in Corfu in 1988
- varius others
- Interior shots, in France?
- *A178 Endervourd
- A171 Touch sailing
- A169 Kerry Piper in 1998
- *A165 Sloeberry Restoration in mid 1990s
- *A164 Scarweather ashore in 1997
- A162 Solone in St Auray, Brittany, and ashore 2017
- *A155 Miranda date unknown
- A154 Deannie more photos – for sale
- *A151 Mistura in 1987 and at Greenwich Wooden Boat Show in 1992
- *A149 Britt badly damaged in 1993 after coming off her trailer
- A146 Le Bateau Ivre in the USA in 1985 and 1996, twin rudders
- A144 ?Cyn with a blister on the Aftcabin in 2002
- A138 Sweet Sue in 1997, earlier and in 2008
- A137 Baby Seal Interior date unknown
- A136 Amsara and A179 Emma Duck at West Mersea in 1997
- *A133 Ann Grey 1997 in Dysart and date unknown, DIY hoist
- *A132 newly painted, date unknown
- A125 Polaris in 1992
- A119 Walrus in 2000 and David Russel picture
- A110 Turnstone in 2003
- A105 Taku Maru Hull being turned over unknown year
- *A103 Puffin in the USA – date unknown
- Un-identified boats Let us know if you recognise them
- A99 Toco being worked on and for sale
- A95 Hiran in 2017, for sale
- A88 Tenga in mid 1990s
- A83 Flying Fox in 1995
- *A79 Frisk Unstayed Cutter – unknown date
- *A70 Catalina – unknown date
- *A66 Roamara Restoration on show in 1992
- A65 Joan – early 2000s?
- A60 Achates on her new trailer in 2017
- *A55 Sue in 2005 and in the 1980s
- *A52 Ecco 1 in 1996 during restoration and some data unknown
- *A51 Bacardi in Canada around 1990
- *A45 Tammy Norry in 2000, and wrecked in 2014
- *A42 Pumula in South Africa in 1978
- A33 Sirius in the USA, amazing
- *A20 Acantha drawing about 1993
- A16 Dervorguila in 2017
- A15 Artemis II with twin rudders in 2000 and in 2011
- A5 Diaphony on a postcard in Christchurch – early
- *A31-8 Trio in 2017, in the USA as a project
- A31-4 Gellie (Tandwine) in Stonhaven
- A31-9 Destiny
- F14 Noggin, dates unknown
- *F47 Sherpa B&W dates unknown
- F53 Pilgrim 1993-5
- *T2 Hyskier III B&W
- T4 Gellie in the 1990s cruising in Scotlan and West Mersea in 2001
- *T9 Tarquila of Aune in 2004
- *T11 Nyeri in 1997
Updates in August 2018
2016 August – A102 Atalanta Mary’s Trip home in 2016